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Chapter 7 study guide answers

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1 Chapter 7 study guide answers
Study your map Sparta-women could work and exercise, read and write men-spent most of life in army Focus on army/ War Athens-women were protected at home, no education, not allowed to own land or vote men-had all power, involved in Govt and many other things and could choose to go into military. welcoming of people, into creativity and govt. (cool stuff) 3. Is an opinion question. Reminder must give answer and your reason

2 4. Slavery 5. Plague 6. Blockade 7. Barbarians 8. Agora 9. Assassinate 10. Made farming difficult but had access to the sea, people were separated from each other 11. Govt., Language, Math, Philosophy, Science, Architecture, Literature, etc. 12. social/public Works outside of the home Men, older boys-politics, society (social activity) 1/3

3 Led by men tough, strong, silent, grim Army (strong military) wanted only the healthiest people in Sparta (healthy children=strong warriors) Helped them be very powerful in Greece Athens no longer #1 and never would be AND no city state would stay #1 for long Blockade of supplies great army, fought hard, respected their leader, left home and didn’t return until after 11 years of service cities modeled after Greece, Greek language was language spoken, native culture was not destroyed, Greek kings ruled and had major jobs, math and science ideas grew (flourished)

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