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WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point 5

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1 WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point 5
WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point Using EU-28 aggregates from PRODCOM for the JFSQ Marilise Wolf-Crowther, Eurostat E2

2 The relationship between PRODCOM and the JFSQ
PRODCOM, the Community survey of industrial production, based on Products in the Combined Nomenclature (CN), EU extension of the Harmonised System (HS) CN can change annually; HS every 5-7 years CN products are used in PRODCOM, structured along economic activities (NACE Rev.2) = CPA = Classification of products by Activity (CPA 2.1) PRODCOM only covers selected manufactured goods, sometimes re-arranged or restricted

3 The relationship between PRODCOM and the JFSQ

4 The relationship between PRODCOM and the JFSQ
The JFSQ is also based on CN products and can be linked to the PRODCOM via the codes Wood products reporting (JFSQ and PRODCOM) restricted by increasing confidentiality issues PRODCOM reporting is under EU legal cover Member States must report confidential data, ensuring that 90% of production is reported Small Member States are exempt

5 The relationship between PRODCOM and the JFSQ
Eurostat's PRODCOM unit uses controlled rounding of confidential data of Member States PRODCOM publishes EU aggregates for products with confidentiality issues The last WG discussed comparing JFSQ and PRODCOM results at Member State level The analysis was done by PRODCOM unit, Ireland and Germany in January 2016 Looked at PRODCOM production sold vs. JFSQ numbers Numbers should be comparable when the product codes covered are identical

6 Results of the analysis of PRODCOM and the JFSQ
Pulp data 50% lower in PRODCOM (integrated production = no sales?) Exception dissolving grades chemical pulp, good fit Household & sanitary papers; Wrapping papers: CN allocation to both systems to be checked Hardboard fibreboard PRODCOM 2X the JFSQ numbers MDF and "Other fibreboard" PRODCOM much higher (DE excluded some laminated products from JFSQ) Plywood and Particle board higher in PRODCOM (DE excluded some laminated products) Veneers up to 10X higher in PRODCOM (includes sheets for pencil production)

7 JFSQ products where PRODCOM EU-28 aggregates are useful
18 of 43 JFSQ products: Charcoal, Chips & particles, Wood pellets and other agglomerates, Sawnwood (3 products), Plywood total, Tropical plywood, Particle board, OSB, Hardboard Dissolving grades chemical pup Newsprint, Uncoated mechanical papers, uncoated woodfree papers, coated papers Case materials, Cartonboard

8 Methods to be applied to the JFSQ validation
For data, compare results of bottom-up summing up of each JFSQ product with the PRODCOM aggregate Request JFSQ correspondents to continue liaising with units providing PRODCOM data Both sides can use such a discussion to improve the results Eurostat to re-check the correspondence for paper products between JFSQ and PRODCOM Under-reporting in the JFSQ leads to under-reporting of carbon in harvested wood products  LULUCF Decision 529/2013/EU


10 Thank you for your attention!

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