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Gulf of Maine Council Council / Working Group Meeting June 7-8, 2017

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1 Gulf of Maine Council Council / Working Group Meeting June 7-8, 2017
Developing GOMC Action Plan Peter McLaughlin and Joan LeBlanc

2 GOMC 2018-2022 Action Plan Will Include Vision Goals Outcomes
Accomplishments during prior Action Plan period * Detailed activities will be included in the separate 2-Year Work Plan. Action Plan will include link to the Work Plan.

3 Reaffirm GOMC Vision We envision a healthy and resilient Gulf of Maine where people and aquatic life thrive.

4 Review GOMC Previous Action Plan Goals
Goal 1: Restored & Conserved Habitats Goal 2: Environmental & Human Health Goal 3: Sustainable Communities

5 Review / Discuss Action Plan Goals and Outcomes
Goal 1: Restored & Conserved Habitats Outcomes: 1.1 Water Quality Protection 1.2 Habitat Restoration Outcome 1.3 Habitat Conservation

6 Review / Discuss Action Plan Goals and Outcomes
Goal 2: Environmental & Human Health Outcomes: 2.1 Environmental Monitoring 2.2 Environmental Indicators and Reporting 2.3 Climate Adaptation

7 Review / Discuss Action Plan Goals and Outcomes
Goal 3: Sustainable Communities Outcomes: 3.1 Understanding How People Use the Gulf of Maine 3.2 Community Stewardship

8 Highlight GOMC Priority Types of Work
Two highest priority types of work as identified during GOMC organizational assessment: Networking / Multi-Jurisdictional Collaboration and Facilitation Sharing Resources/ Best Practices/ Capacity Building (regional or jurisdictional)

9 Process / Timeline for Developing 2018 – 2022 Action Plan
Utilize Secretariat Team to coordinate process GOMC initiative leads submit highlights of accomplishments during last five years (Council Coordinator to provide template) Review progress during fall Working Group meeting Review final plan during December 2017 Council / WG meeting Publish PDF version of Action Plan early 2018

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