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Objectives/Expected outcome

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives/Expected outcome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives/Expected outcome
GNC Face to Face Meeting 30-31 March 2016, Washington, DC, USA

2 Working Meeting Objective 1
To review the results achieved, the impact and benefit of the GNC strategy and the workplan, identify implementation bottlenecks and the tasks ahead to consider in the development of the GNC strategy.

3 Working Meeting Objective 2
To review the progress made toward the major GNC projects and the way forward Study on transition from cluster to sector Role of the GNC in technical discussions Revision of the GNC handbook

4 Working Meeting Objective 3
To discuss and agree on next steps for the implementations of the strategies and operational guideline and inter-cluster initiatives GNC Advocacy strategy and toolkit (ACF-UK) Accountability to affected population guidance and toolkit Inter-cluster working group on food security and nutrition and next steps for inter cluster initiative with WASH, Health and gFSC clusters

5 Working Meeting Objective 4
To outline main pillars and objectives and broad activities for the GNC Strategic plan and to agree on the way forward with regards to the Strategy development

6 Day 3 SAG Meeting Welcoming the new SAG members Review of SAG Terms of Reference Review of meeting follow up, commitments and timeline for SAG members

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