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Fingerprints T. Trimpe 2006 & Bertino.

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Presentation on theme: "Fingerprints T. Trimpe 2006 & Bertino."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fingerprints T. Trimpe & Bertino

2 A Brief History Fingerprinting has it’s roots in the early 1800s when a professor of anatomy at the University of Breslau first wrote a paper discussing fingerprint patterns. However, it wasn’t until years later when a man by the name of Francis Galton published a book discussing the matter that it was used to identify individual persons. Sir Francis Galton

3 What Is a Fingerprint? The skin on our fingers are made up of many ridges of skin that are created when we are still in our mother’s womb. They form around 10 weeks gestation. They remain the same for the rest of our lives, even surviving injury if not too severe. Each of the ridges connect to other ridges, forming a pattern that is unique to all others. No two people in the world have exactly the same print. This uniqueness is used in many forensic cases to solve crimes, as some of the most common evidence found at a crime scene are fingerprints.

4 Fingerprint Principles
According to criminal investigators, fingerprints follow 3 fundamental principles: A fingerprint is an individual characteristic; no two people have been found with the exact same fingerprint pattern. A fingerprint pattern will remain unchanged for the life of an individual; however, the print itself may change due to permanent scars and skin diseases. Fingerprints have general characteristic ridge patterns that allow them to be systematically identified. Begin using notes helper here!

5 Fingerprint Classes There are 3 specific classes for all fingerprints based upon their visual pattern: arches, loops, and whorls. Each group is divided into smaller groups as seen in the lists below. Arch Plain arch Tented arch Loop Radial Loop Ulnar loop Whorl Plain whorl Central pocket whorl Double loop whorl Accidential

6 60% of people have loops, 35% have whorls,
Interesting Info Fingerprint Factoid: 60% of people have loops, 35% have whorls, and 5% have arches Did you know? Dactyloscopy is the study of fingerprint identification. Police investigators are experts in collecting “dactylograms”, otherwise known as fingerprints.

7 Arches Arches are the simplest type of fingerprints that are formed by ridges that enter on one side of the print and exit on the other. No deltas are present. Tented Arches Similar to the plain arch, but has a spike in the center. Spike or “tent” Plain Arch Ridges enter on one side and exit on the other side.

8 Loops Loops must have one delta and one or more ridges that enter and leave on the same side. These patterns are named for their positions related to the radius and ulna bones. Radial Loop (Right Thumb) Loop opens toward the left or the radial bone. Ulnar Loop (Right Thumb) Loop opens toward right or the ulna bone. Delta NOTE: On the left hand, a loop that opens to the left would be an ulnar loop, while one that opens to the right would be a radial loop.

9 Whorls Whorls have at least one ridge that makes (or tends to make) a complete circuit. They also have at least two deltas. If a print has more than two deltas, it is most likely an accidental. Central Pocket Whorl Plain Whorl Draw a line between the two deltas in the plain and central pocket whorls. If some of the curved ridges touch the line, it is a plain whorl. If none of the center core touches the line, it is a central pocket whorl.

10 Whorls – Part 2 Double Loop Whorl
Double loop whorls are made up of any two loops combined into one print. Delta Accidental Whorl Accidental whorls contain two or more patterns (not including the plain arch), or does not clearly fall under any of the other categories. End notes helper and day one. Onto the balloon fingerprint discovery!

11 Identify each fingerprint pattern.
? A B Right Hand Left Hand C Right Hand E D Right Hand Left Hand

12 Ridgeology: The study of the uniqueness of friction ridge structures and their use for personal identification.1  As we have learned in our first lesson, a fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and valleys on the surface of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and valleys as well as the minutiae points, which are points where the ridge structure changes. The koala is one of the few mammals (other than primates) that has fingerprints. In fact, koala fingerprints are remarkably similar to human fingerprints; even with an electron microscope, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between the two. Did you know? 1Introduction to Basic Ridgeology by David Ashbaugh, May Image from

13 Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
When minutiae on two different prints match, these are called points of similarity or points of identification. At this point there is no international standard for the number of points of identification required for a match between two fingerprints. However, the United Kingdom requires a minimum sixteen points while Australia requires twelve. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) AFIS is a computerized system capable of reading, classifying, matching, and storing fingerprints for criminal justice agencies. Quality latent fingerprints are entered into the AFIS for a search for possible matches against the state maintained databases for fingerprint records to help establish the identity of unknown deceased persons or suspects in a criminal case.

14 Ridge Characteristics
Use these characteristics as points of identification when comparing fingerprint samples. The more points you can find in common, the better the match!

15 Ridge Characteristics
Crossover Core Bifurcation (fork) Ridge ending Island Delta Pore Scar EXAMPLE

16 How many ridge characteristics can you identify in this fingerprint?

17 Print Types Latent prints- latent prints are hidden and deposited via the secretions from skin. They are often made visible through a number of different techniques. Patent prints- highly visible and made from foreign substances such as blood. Since they need no further visualization, they are often just photographed to preserve the evidence. Plastic prints- Friction ridge impressions deposited in a material that retains the shape such as clay or or melted wax.

18 Techniques For Lifting a Print

19 Print Types Review Latent prints- latent prints are hidden and deposited via the secretions from skin. They are often made visible through a number of different techniques. Patent prints- highly visible and made from foreign substances such as blood. Since they need no further visualization, they are often just photographed to preserve the evidence. Plastic prints- Friction ridge impressions deposited in a material that retains the shape such as clay or or melted wax.

20 Dusting Used on smooth, non-porous materials.
The area is lightly and carefully dusted with either a black or white powder, depending on the contrasting surface. The dust is lifted with tape and set against a contrasting background. The print is preserved via photography. Fingerprint dusting in a lab

21 Fingerprint visualized with iodine fuming.
Suspect material is placed in an enclosed cabinate along with iodine crystals. The crystals are heated, and will sublimate (turn into a gas vapor). The vapors cause the prints to visualize. Fingerprint visualized with iodine fuming.

22 Silver Nitrate spray bottle
Chemical Treatment Ninhydrin (triketohydrindene hydrate)- this chemical is sprayed onto a porous surface via an aerosol can. Prints begin to visualize an hour or two after application, although the process can be accelerated through heating the print. Silver nitrate- silver nitrate is sprayed onto the porous surface and left to dry. Then it is exposed to ultraviolet light to visualize the prints. Silver Nitrate spray bottle

23 Superglue Fuming Used mainly on non-porous materials.
Superglue is placed on cotton and treated with sodium hydroxide. Fumes can also be created by heating the glue. The fumes and the object are contained in a closed chamber for up to six hours. The fumes adhere to the print, visualizing it. Fuming tank

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