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‘We are a nation in mourning.’ President Trump

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1 ‘We are a nation in mourning.’ President Trump

2 ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.’
Jesus Christ Matthew 5:4

3 I. Mourning In The Bible Words translated ‘mourn’ Uses of ‘mourn’
1. the death of a loved one 2. the consequences of a bad decision 3. the rift between a parent and a child 4. with a friend going through a rough time 5. the magnitude and actions of God 6. the feeling of the world before Jesus returns

4 I. Mourning In The Bible Words translated ‘mourn’ Uses of ‘mourn’
1. the death of a loved one 2. the consequences of a bad decision 3. the rift between a parent and a child 4. with a friend going through a rough time 5. the magnitude and actions of God 6. the feeling of the world before Jesus returns 7. sin in one’s life or in the nation/community

5 II. The Beatitude The word ‘beatitude’ The Beatitudes
The 2nd Beatitude Jerry Bridges book – Humility Mourn – the mourning that comes from mourning sin Jesus: blessed are those who mourn for … Alternatives to mourning sin

6 Applications Have a soul-searching time with God and then mourn sin in your life. Come to prayer meeting this Wednesday and mourn for our nation. How bad do things have to get before Christians pray? Not at peace, no comfort in your life? Mourning precedes comfort. Begin by getting on your knees and crying out to God. Jesus said: blessed are those who mourn.

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