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The Secret Life of the School Bus

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1 The Secret Life of the School Bus
Conyers Middle School Advisement Monday, November 10, 2014

2 Background The bus environment, like the cafeteria, is a snapshot of both positive and negative aspects of peer relationships. When mixed- age groups of students ride the same bus, younger or more vulnerable students tend to become the focus of teasing and bullying. Because bus drivers are often the only adult on the bus and must obviously focus their attention on safe driving, many bus-related bullying incidents aren’t addressed promptly or even addressed at all. Bus drivers often describe feeling helpless, frustrated, and disrespected. In schools where students car-pool or walk home rather than take a bus, come of the same issues may still occur.

3 Learner Outcomes By the end of this session, students will be able to
identify the challenges of the school bus experience describe how social groups at school carry over into transportation situations explain why the bus can be an environment that lends itself to bullying behavior describe ways to address bullying behavior on the school bus, in car pools, and while walking to and from school

4 Large sheets of chart paper (one per group of two to four students)
Materials Needed Large sheets of chart paper (one per group of two to four students) One marker per group (preferably black) Tape Paper and pencils

5 Opening Activity (30 minutes)
How many of you have seen incidents of bullying on the school bus, whether traveling to and from school or on a field trip? Or, if you walk or car-pool to school, have you seen any bullying incidents during that time? Without naming names, what happened? Did anyone defend the student who was being bullied?

6 Opening Activity continued
Today we are going to discuss appropriate actions you can take when you’re in these situations. Get into groups of two to four. Take the following materials (one per group): Chart paper Marker Paper pencil

7 Today We’re Making Storyboards!!
Storyboards are a panel or series of panels that show in sequence the important changes in a scene or story. Writers and illustrators use storyboards to create ad campaigns, commercials, cartoons, and TV shows. Your storyboards will either be hung in your classes or in the halls.

8 Sample Storyboards




12 Your Turn… In your groups, create a short storyboard (four to six panels) that depicts a bullying incident on a school bus, followed by a positive, safe solution to stop the bullying and/or actively assist the bullied student(s). Be as creative as possible! It is suggested that you do a quick sketch on a separate sheet of paper before you start on your chart paper. Be prepared to present your storyboards. Also, be prepared to provide each group with feedback on their storyboards.

13 Discussion Questions (10 minutes)

14 What kinds of things did you consider in designing your storyboards
What kinds of things did you consider in designing your storyboards? In crafting the solution?

15 How do you get to and from school each day
How do you get to and from school each day? How long does it take you to get to and from school each day? What do you like and dislike about the “journey”? How does this routine affect your mood or experience each day?

16 Are there assigned seats on the bus
Are there assigned seats on the bus? If not, do students sit in the same or in different places each day? what roles do age, gender, and popularity pay in determining where students sit? How does that carry over into cliques or groups at school? Do the same people sit with each other on the bus as at school?

17 Why do you think problems crop up on the bus or in car pools
Why do you think problems crop up on the bus or in car pools? How does the bus environment lend itself to bullying behavior?

18 What do you like and dislike about riding the bus for field trips
What do you like and dislike about riding the bus for field trips? How does this experience affect the field trip and the rest of your day?

19 What are some things that you can do if you see bullying behavior while on the bus, walking, or car- pooling? What are some things that you can do to prevent bullying behavior in these locations?

20 Do the school rules against bullying apply to student behavior on the bus? Why?

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