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Time Period IV 1450-1750.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Period IV 1450-1750."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Period IV

2 Main Ideas 4.1 – Communication and exchange networks finally become truly global and new systems develop (Columbian Exchange, silver, Atlantic System, mercantilism, joint-stock companies) 4.2 – New ways to organize society and produce goods are developed (indentured servitude, chattel slavery & serfdom, new ethnic categories develop as the world’s peoples mix) 4.3 – States consolidate their power and empires become bigger and more centralized (art & architecture legitimize rule, bureaucracy is more developed, religious rituals, tax farming & tribute-taking, HUGE land-based empires, new sea-based empires of Europe)

3 Main Topics Covered European & Ming Dynasty Renaissance & Exploration Periods European new contacts with West Africa, IOMS, & Conquest of American Indian Empires European Protestant & Catholic Reformation New Colonial Societies in the Americas Columbian Exchange (global event) Atlantic System (global event & causing European changes, especially) The New World Economy (sugar & slaves, silver to Asia, Asian production going up of luxury goods) Land & Sea-based Empires (Land: Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal, Tokugawa, Qing, Russia; Sea: Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, France, Britain)

4 5. 1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism I
5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism I. I can describe and explain how industrialism fundamentally changed how goods were produced. II. I can explain how, as industrialists sought raw materials and new markets for their increasing amount and variety of goods produced in their factories, new patterns of global trade and production developed. I can also analyze the effects of these new patterns of global trade and production on the global economy. III. I can analyze and explain that financiers developed and expanded financial institutions to facilitate investments at all levels of industrial production. IV. I can identify major developments in transportation and communication. V. I can analyze and explain how the spread of global capitalism led to a variety of responses. VI. I can evaluate how social organization was transformed in industrialized states due to a fundamental restructuring of the global economy.

5 5.2 Imperialism and Nation-State Formation
I. I can describe and explain how states that became industrialized were able to use that power to establish transoceanic empires. II. I can describe and explain how imperialism influenced the formation of some states and the weakening of power of other states across the globe. III. I can identify and define new racial ideologies like Social Darwinism I can explain how these new racial ideologies facilitated and justified imperialism


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