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History of the Ancient and Medieval World

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1 History of the Ancient and Medieval World
Absolutism Prussia, Austria & Russia Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 111


3 Emerging Nation States Foundation of Modern Europe
The Renaissance The Voyages Of Discovery The Reformation The Scientific Revolution The New Monarchies By the mid-17th century, kings in Britain, France, Austria, Prussia and by the 18th century, Russia were beginning to see science’s usefulness. Societies for the promotion of scientific inquiry were supported or even chartered by monarchs. With such royal patronage, scientists were less concerned about offending church authorities, less interested in science’s relationship to religion. This development takes the Scientific Revolution beyond its role in the Renaissance.

4 The monarch must break feudal ties to past
The New Monarchies Machiavelli’s view of the successful ruler The prince: agent of change in state formation The need for unity, security and prosperity “How to” model: Absolutism emerges on continent The monarch must break feudal ties to past What to look for in the successful state

5 The New Monarchies (cont.)
Church and nobility subordinated to monarch Bureaucracy to supervise royal policies Royal system of justice Royal monopoly on military power Dependable and adequate source of income Winners and losers in early modern Europe

6 Thirty Years War (A Very Short Version)
War begins over religion but politics and dynastic issues are what’s really at stake. European powers all get involved and stir the pot. Outright banditry causes loss of life (30% of German population) and enormous property damage. (Consult Voltaire’s Candide) Peace of Westphalia, 1648: map of Europe redrawn and unity of HRE denied. Politics take precedence over religion; unity of Christendom in West seems no longer possible.


8 Assignment 1: due Tues, 5/17 Read text, pp 524-529
Complete graphic organizer Answer thematic questions, pp Complete Map Skills assessment, pp 526 Personal Map due 5/21 Frederick II, “The Great” “First Servant of the State” (Self-described)

9 Assignment 2: due Wed, 5/18 Identify all blue terms text, pp and answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking questions, pp 529. Auto-Test Maria Theresa ( ) “Our lives and our blood for your Majesty”


11 Assignment 3: due Thurs, 5/19
Read text, pp Complete Graphic Organizer Identify all new terms Complete Map Skills questions, pp 534 This equestrian statue of Peter the Great, created by the famous French sculptor Etienne Maurice Falconet, depicts the most prominent reformer of the Russia state as a Roman hero. The pedestal is made of a single piece of red granite molded into the shape of a cliff. From the top of this "cliff" Peter gallantly leads Russia forward, while his horse steps on a snake, which represents the enemies of Peter and his reforms. According to a 19th century legend, enemy forces will never take St. Petersburg while the "Bronze Horseman" stands in the middle of the city. During the Second World War the statue was not taken down, but was protected with sand bags and a wooden shelter. In that way, the monument survived the 900-day Siege of Leningrad virtually untouched. Peter the Great: St. Petersburg Commissioned by Catherine the Great, statue shows Peter as Roman hero (Consult NotesPage)

12 Assignment 4: due Fri., 5/21 Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking questions, pp 535. Answer questions Thinking Critically, Infographic, pp 532. Complete Map Auto-Test Catherine The Great (as Minerva) Patroness of Arts and Letters “philosopher on throne”

13 Russia: The Issue of Warm-Water Ports


15 Winners and Losers Explain
Austria Poland Prussia Holy Roman Empire Russia Ottoman Empire Sweden

16 Losing Out against Competition
Weakening of Monarchy (HRE and Poland) (It’s elective- why a bad idea?) Poland disappears in 1795 as a result of actions by Russia, Austria and Prussia. Napoleon abolishes HRE in early 1800s. What a long run – C.E.! Ottoman Empire: Leadership problems (weak sultans) and falling behind in especially military technology) Remind students of the late medieval “liberium veto” where anyone in the Diet could veto legislation. HRE: Hapsburg emperor’s power is essentially gone so he turns attention to his own lands in Austria and then to neighboring lands (Ottoman lands, e.g. Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland) Ottomans were increasingly losing wars with Austria (1683) and Russia which suggests a development lag.

17 Winning States Central/Eastern Europe
In different ways, different degrees winners establish “service” states which reward “compliant” nobles and create new nobles. (almost no middle class) Foreigners welcomed into state service- a modernizing force Consciously imitating France, the benchmark autocratic state Big Future Issue: the Monarch vs. the State

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