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Circumcision Assessment Prep Lesson

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1 Circumcision Assessment Prep Lesson
Learning Objective: To plan a response to the key question ‘Circumcision is a barbaric and out of date practice.’ Do you agree? I can reflect on my opinion of circumcision from last lesson. I can plan a written response to our key question. I can write an opening sentence for my assessment

2 Reflect Think back to last lesson…
Did you say you would be attending the circumcision or not? Why? Students can do this as a Think, Pair, Share

3 ‘Circumcision is a barbaric and out of date practice.’ Do you agree?
Be persuasive! ‘Circumcision is a barbaric and out of date practice.’ Do you agree? Half of the room are going to be writing a persuasive argument with two reasons either for or against the statement. You need to support your argument with evidence and examples from last lesson. Students need to present their arguments to the class. As they do this students need to fill in the remainder of their planning sheet.

4 Getting started… You are now going to write your first couple of opening sentences for your assessment. Write them on your post it note ready for next lesson. If there is time students can share some with the class.

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