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Inah Omoronyia and Tor Stålhane
Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap Inah Omoronyia and Tor Stålhane Advanced Use cases TDT 4242 TDT 4242
Advanced use cases Use cases: Based on work of Ivar Jacobson
Based on experience at Ericsson building telephony systems Recommended refs: Writing Effective Use Cases, by Alistair Cockburn, Addison-Wesley, 2001 TDT 4242
Advanced use cases vocabulary – 1
Actor – External parties that interact with the system Roles are not job titles (roles cuts across job titles) Actors are not individual persons (e.g. John) but stimulates the system to react (primary actor) You normally don’t have control over primary actors Roles responds to the system’s requests (secondary actor) normally used by the system to get the job done An actor don’t have to be a person – it can also be e.g. another system or sub-system. TDT 4242
Advanced use cases vocabulary – 2
Use Case – A sequence of actions that the system performs that yields an observable result of value to an actor. Use Case Model contains: Actors list, packages, diagrams, use cases, views A Use Case Model includes structured use case descriptions that are grounded in well-defined concepts constrained by requirements and scope Use case descriptions Concepts Constraints and requirements TDT 4242
Finding Actors – 1 Important questions Who uses the system?
Who gets information from the system? Who provides information to the system? What other systems use the system? Who installs, starts up, or maintains the system? TDT 4242
Finding Actors – 2 Focus initially on human and other primary actors
Group individuals according to their common tasks and system use Name and define their common role Identify systems that initiate interactions with the system Identify other systems used to accomplish the system’s tasks TDT 4242
Finding use cases Describe the functions that the user wants from the system Describe the operations that create, read, update, and delete information Describe how actors are notified of changes to the internal state of the system Describe how actors communicate information about events that the system must know about TDT 4242
Key points for use cases - 1
Building use cases is an iterative process You usually don’t get it right at the first time. Developing use cases should be looked at as an iterative process where you work and refine. Involve the stakeholders in each iteration TDT 4242
Key points for use cases – 2
Define use case actors. UML visual notations are commonly used. Start by defining key actors: An actor can be a system because the system plays another role in the context of your new system and also interact with other actors Key users TDT 4242
Key points for use cases – 3
Note: Association relationships only show which actors interact with the system to perform a given use case. Association relationship DO NOT model the flow of data between the actor and the system. A directed association relationship only shows if the system or the actor initiates the connection. Define your use case Actor Goals TDT 4242
An alternative path to use cases
An approach from Siemens: Start by filming the operations that shall be included in the use case. Identify actors (system components) involved Identify functions (actions), their sequence and the parts involved By observing the driver we can also identify how the user moves between system states
Reuse opportunity for use cases – 1
There is duplicate behavior in both the buyer and seller which includes "create an account" and "search listings". Extract a more general user that has the duplicate behavior and then the actors will "inherit" this behavior from the new user. TDT 4242
Reuse opportunity for use cases – 2
Relationships between use cases: Dependency – The behavior of one use case is affected by another. Being logged into the system is a pre-condition to performing online transactions. Make a Payment depends on Log In Include – One use case incorporates the behavior of another at a specific point. Make a Payment includes Validate Funds Availability TDT 4242
Reuse opportunity for use cases – 3
Relationships between use cases: Extends – One use case extends the behavior of another at a specified point, e.g. Make a Recurring Payment and Make a Fixed Payment both extend the Make a Payment use case Generalize – One use case inherits the behavior of another; it can be used interchangeably with its “parent” use case, e.g. Check Password and Retinal Scan generalize Validate User TDT 4242
Extend Respond to emergency Control center operator
communication down <<extends>> Request arrives through radio or phone
Generalize Request (re)scheduling of maintenance Maintenance worker
Already scheduled - reschedule Proposed time not acceptable Maintenance worker Ask for new suggestion Changes in time consumption or personnel
Adding details We can add details to a use case diagram by splitting uses cases into three types of objects. Entity object Control object Boundary object
Adding details – example
Input and output via boundary objects Validate input and output via control objects Save via entity objects
From UC to SD – 1
From UC to SD – 2
From UC to SD – 3
Use case index Create a use case index
Every use case has several attributes relating to the use case itself and to the project At the project level, these attributes include scope, complexity, status and priority. TDT 4242
Use case diagrams – pros and cons
Simple use case diagrams are Easy to understand Easy to draw Complex use case diagrams – diagrams containing <<include>>> and <<extend>> are difficult to understand for most stakeholders. Use case diagrams do not show the sequence of actions
Textual use cases - 1 Identify the key components of your use case. The actual use case is a textual representation TDT 4242
Textual use cases - 2 Examples of alternative flow are:
While a customer places an order, their credit card failed While a customer places an order, their user session times out While a customer uses an ATM machine, the machine runs out of receipts and needs to warn the customer Alternative flow can also be handled by using <<extend>> and <<include>> TDT 4242
Textual use cases – 3 Most textual use cases fit the following pattern:
Textual use case – example
Use case name Review treatment plan Use case actor Doctor User action System action Request treatment plan for patient X Check if patient X has this doctor Check if there is a treatment plan for patient X Return requested document Doctor reviews treatment plan Exceptional paths This is not this doctor’s patient Give error message This ends the use case No treatment plan exists for this patient
Textual use case <<extend>>
Use case name Respond to System emergency call Use case actor Operator User action System action System OK => Receive system signal System Down => Use radio Receive system message Act on message Send response End REC – 1 Use case name Respond to radio emergency call Use case actor Operator User action System action Receive radio message Act on message Send response End REC – 2
Textual use case <<include>>
Use case name Controller Use case actor NA Start timer Get data Action necessary? Yes => Set Actuator Timer expired ? No => BIT Check error status On => Error handling End Controller Use case name BIT Use case actor NA Get test pattern A Write test pattern Read test pattern Compare patterns Difference => Set error status End BIT
Textual use cases – pros and cons
Complex textual use cases Are easier to understand than most complex use case diagrams Are easy to transform into UML sequence diagrams Require more work to develop Show the sequence of actions
Mis-Use cases Aims to Identify possible misuse scenarios of the system
The concept was created in the 1990s by Guttorm Sindre, NTNU and Andreas L. Opdahl, UiB. The basic concept describes the steps of performing a malicious act against a system The process is the same as you would describe an act that the system is supposed to perform in a use case TDT 4242
Mis-Use cases example – 1
Mis-Use cases example – 2
Mis-use cases are mostly used to capture security and safety requirements TDT 4242
Textual misuse case U C name Respond to over-pressure User actions
User actions Sys Response Threats Mitigations Alarm operator o high pressure System fails to set alarm; Operator fails to notice alarm Have two independent alarms; Test alarms regularly; Use both audio and visual cues; Alarm also outside control room Operator gives command to empty tank Operator fails to react (e.g., ill, unconscious) Operator gives wrong command, e.g., filling tank Alarm backup operator Automatic sanity check, disallow filling at high pressure System opens Valve to sewer System fails to relay command to valve; Valve is stuck reads pressure Operator misreads and stops emptying too soon Maintain alarm until situation is normal
Why misuse case – 1 A misuse case is used in three ways:
Identify threats – e.g. “System fails to set alarm”. At this stage we do not care how this error can arise. Identify new requirements – e.g. “System shall have two independent alarms”. This is a high level requirement. How it is realized is not discussed now.
Why misuse case – 2 Identify new tests – e.g.
Disable one of the alarms Create an alarm condition Check if the other alarm is set This is just the test strategy. How it is realized cannot be decided before we have decided how we shall implement the requirement.
Misuse case – pros and cons
Misuse cases will help us to Focus on possible problems Helps us to identify defenses and mitigations Misuse cases can get large and complex – especially the misuse case diagrams.
Use-Case Maps Definition: A visual representation of the requirements of a system, using a precisely defined set of symbols for responsibilities, system components, and sequences. Links behavior and structure in an explicit and visual way UCM paths: Architectural entities that describe causal relationships between responsibilities, which are bound to underlying organizational structures of abstract components. UCM paths are intended to bridge the gap between requirements (use cases) and detailed design TDT 4242
Use-Case Maps – path … UCM Path Elements Start Point End Point Path
Responsibility Direction Arrow Timestamp Point Failure Point Shared Responsibility UCM Path Elements TDT 4242
Use Case Maps example - path
Mainly consist of path elements and components UCM Example: Commuting secure home X commute take elevator ready to leave in cubicle transport Responsibility Point Basic Path (from circle to bar) Component (generic) TDT 4242 43
Use-Case Maps – AND / OR … UCM Forks and Joins [C1] [C2] [C3]
OR-Fork & Guarding Conditions OR-Join AND-Join AND-Fork UCM Forks and Joins
UCM Example: Commute - Bus (Plug-in)
UCM example – AND / OR UCM Example: Commute - Bus (Plug-in) person read Dilbert X take 182 AND Fork OR Join OR Fork AND Join transport take 97 take 95 [Am99] An OR-join merges two (or more) overlapping paths while an OR-fork splits a path into two (or more) alternatives. Alternatives may be guarded by conditions represented as labels. Concurrent and synchronized segments of routes are represented through the use of a vertical bar. An AND-join synchronizes two (or more) paths together while an AND-fork splits a path into two (or more) concurrent segments. Note: the stub - plug-in map relationship is not purely hierarchical. The example shows the same “Transport” component on the plug-in map as is shown on the root map and, in addition, the “Person” component.
Use-Case Maps – IN / OUT … UCM Stubs and Plug-ins
Static Stub & Segments ID Dynamic Stub S{IN1} E{OUT1} Plug-in Map UCM Stubs and Plug-ins
UCM Example: Commuting
UCM example – IN / OUT UCM Example: Commuting ready to leave home in cubicle transport elevator commute take secure Dynamic Stub (selection policy) Static Stub stay [Am99] When maps become too complex to be represented as one single UCM, containers called stubs may be used. Stubs link to sub-maps called plug-ins. Static stubs contain only one plug-in and enable hierarchical decomposition of complex maps. Dynamic stubs may contain several plug-ins, whose selection can be determined at run-time according to a selection policy (often described with pre-conditions). It is also possible to select multiple plug-ins at once (sequentially or in parallel). At the moment, the composition requires to be detailed outside the UCM diagram although some formalism in the form of global Boolean variables is provided. Stubs are similar in concept to commonality/variability. Stubs are similar in concept to polymorphism although more broadly applicable (e.g. selection policy may select more than one plug-in).
Use-Case Maps – coordination
Waiting Place Trigger Path (asynchronous) Waiting Path Continuation Timer Release (synchronous) Timeout Path UCM Waiting Places and Timers
Use Case Map Dynamic Structures
- Generic UCM Example start end Dynamic Responsibilities and Dynamic Components slot A pool A pool B + create slot B copy destroy move out move into Slot (component) Pool [Am99] Dashed components are called slots and may be populated with different instances at different times. Slots are containers for dynamic components (DC) in execution. Pools are containers for dynamic components that are not executing (they act as data). Dynamic responsibilities such as create, destroy, copy, move, and move-stay may be performed on dynamic components. What’s the difference to a simple database. Data never does anything. A dynamic component stored in a pool, however, can be retrieved and placed in a slot where it can perform responsibilities. [URN] Move-stay: a reference to a dynamic component is moved instead of moving a copy of the dynamic component (as copy does)
Use Case Maps – example 1 Contains pre-conditions or triggering causes
bars representing post-conditions or resulting effects path traces through a system of objects to explain a causal sequence, leaving behind a visual signature. causal chains of responsibilities (crosses, representing actions, tasks, or functions to be performed) Responsibilities are normally bound to component when the cross is inside the component Example of Use Case map A component is responsible to perform the action, task, or function represented by the responsibility. Start points may have preconditions attached, while responsibilities and end points can have post-conditions. TDT 4242
The influence of chosen elements
The elements we choose to include in our model will decide the use case map but will not necessarily influence the actions needed. The following examples are meant to illustrate this. Two elements are always needed: User – requesting service Arrival sensor – indicates when the elevator arrives at the chosen floor.
Use Case Maps – example Select Destination User [not requested]
[moving] motor up motor down moving door close Arrival Sensor approaching floor decide on direction below motor stop [requested] door open [stationary] above [more requests] add to list in elevator [else] no requests door closing-delay remove from list at requested floor The elevator control system case study is adapted from Hassan Gomaa's Designing Concurrent, Distributed, And Real-Time Applications with UML (p ), copyright Hassan Gomaa 2001, published by Addison Wesley. Used with permission. Select Destination
Model 1 – scheduler Scheduler User Arrival Sensor [not requested]
approaching floor down up select elevator moving at floor Elevator below above add to list in elevator at requested floor remove from list motor stop door open
Model 1 – Use Case Map Arch. Alternative (I) User Scheduler
[requested] down Arrival Sensor [not requested] up moving approaching floor select elevator at floor below already on list Elevator above add to list decide on direction door close in elevator [on list] [else] stationary- memory at requested floor motor up motor down door closing-delay remove from list Service Personnel switch on motor stop Arch. Alternative (I) door open
Model 2 – scheduler and status & plan
User Scheduler Status & Plan select elevator [not requested] [requested] Arrival Sensor down up Elev. Control Elev. Mgr at floor Elevator below above Status & Plan in elevator add to list at requested floor remove from list motor stop Service Personnel switch on door open
Model 2 – Use Case Map Arch. Alternative (II) User Status & Plan down
Scheduler [not requested] [requested] up select elevator Arrival Sensor Elev. Control at floor already on list approaching floor moving below Elev. Mgr above [on list] Elevator decide on direction in elevator [else] door close Status & Plan stationary- memory add to list at requested floor door closing- delay motor up motor down remove from list Service Personnel switch on motor stop Arch. Alternative (II) door open
Summary – 1 Use Cases benefits: Promote customer involvement
Use cases describe a system from an external usage perspective They can be organized according to their relevance, frequency of use, and perceived value to the system’s users System features can be correlated with how they are used within specific use cases Impacts of adding and/or removing features on system usability can be analyzed TDT 4242
Summary – 2 What Use Cases Cannot Do
Use Cases are best used to describe system functionality from a task-oriented perspective They do not describe: user interfaces performance goals application architecture non-functional requirements TDT 4242
Acknowledgement Most of the slides on use case maps has been taken from a presentation written by D. Amyoty, University of Ottawa Daniel Amyot, Gunter Mussbacher TDT 4242
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