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Reno – Then and Now Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Reno – Then and Now Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reno – Then and Now Geography

2 Original Reno Arch 1926

3 1963

4 The Arch Today Lake St. 1987

5 Washoe County Courthouse

6 North Virginia St.

7 Riverside Hotel

8 Morrill Hall at UNR

9 Manzanita Hall at UNR

10 Harold’s Club

11 MGM

12 Mapes Hotel

13 Downtown Reno

14 Journal Prompt “Reno – Then and Now”
Copy the following prompt into your notes and answer in 4-5 sentences: “Reno – Then and Now” How is this an example of the third theme of geography: human-environment interaction? Use your notes if you need to

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