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Learning A relatively permanent change in behavior that results from practice or experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning A relatively permanent change in behavior that results from practice or experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning A relatively permanent change in behavior that results from practice or experience.

2 4 key elements to learning
BEHAVIOR Demonstrate the learning CHANGE The brain is altered PERMANANCE The behavior is retained PRACTICE/EXPERIENCE Are both ways to effect change

3 A stimulus is something that produces activity in an organism.
Touch Sound Smell RESPONSE: A response is the reaction of a organism to a stimulus.

4 Ivan Pavlov and Classic Conditioning
Natural Response Unconditioned Response-UCR no training necessary, involuntary (salivation) Unconditioned Stimulus-UCS The thing that produces the UCR (the food)

5 Conditioned Response Conditioned Response-CR
dog salivates (to the bell) Conditioned Stimulus-CS sound that caused the response (the bell)

6 Repetition: the treatment must be repeated. More repetitions makes for a stronger association. Interval: Time between treatments . Pavlov found that .5 seconds was the best interval.

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