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Relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.

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2 Relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
Learning Relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.

3 Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov. Studied digestion of dogs. Dogs would salivate before they were given food (triggered by sounds, lights etc…). Dogs must have LEARNED to salivate.

4 Classical Conditioning Process
This is passive learning (automatic…learner does NOT have to think). First thing you need is a unconditional relationship. Unconditional Stimulus (US) - something that elicits a natural, reflexive response. Unconditional Response (UR) - response to the US.

5 Classical Conditioning Process
Next you find a neutral stimulus (N) - something that by itself elicits no response. You present the stimulus with the US a whole bunch of times.

6 Classical Conditioning Process
After a while, the body begins to link together the N with the US. Called acquisition.

7 Classical Conditioning Process
We know learning has taken place when the previously neutral stimulus elicits or gets a response. At this point the neutral stimulus (N) is called the Conditioned Stimulus (CS) and the unconditional response (UR) becomes the Conditioned Response (CR).

8 Classical Conditioning Process
TRICKY FACT: We know learning exists because the CS (bell) is linked to the US (food). Remember, this is called ACQUISITION. However, acquisition does not last forever. The moment the CS (bell) is no longer associated with the US (food), a process called EXTINCTION will take place.

9 Spontaneous Recovery Sometimes, after extinction, the CR (salivation) will appear again if the CS (bell) is presented again with the UCS (food).

10 Generalization and Discrimination
Something is so similar to the CS that you get a CR. Something so different to the CS so you do not get a CR.

11 Classical Conditioning and Humans
John Watson brought Classical Conditioning to psychology with his Little Albert experiment. Watson conditioned Little Albert to fear a small white rat.

12 Counterconditioning Mary Cover Jones was a student who worked for Watson. Discovered that she could reverse the procedure and reduce the fear (a technique called “counterconditioning”). This technique is now used in the treatment of phobias.

13 Learned Taste Aversions
When it comes to food being paired with sickness, the conditioning is incredibly strong. Known as Garcia Effect (after Dr. John Garcia), and as "Sauce-Béarnaise Syndrome".

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