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Published byEduardo Santos Toro Modified over 6 years ago
XMASS Y. Suzuki (for the XMASS Collaboration) Kamioka Observatory,
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, and Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo August 19, 2008 IDM2008, Stockholm, Sweden 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
XMASS Ref: Y. Suzuki et al., hep-ph/ , (2000). Multi-purpose astro-partcle and neutrino experiment 10 ton fiducial mass (2.5 m in diameter (24 tons)) Dark Matter Solar pp-neutrinos Double beta decay First phase: 100kg fiducial mass (0.8 m in diameter (850kg)) n+en+e 136Xe 136Ba+2e 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Phase I detector 1PMT Single phase liq. Xe Pentakis-dodecahedron 12 pentagonal pyramids Each pyramid 5 triangles Radius: 39~42 cm 642 Hex. PMT immersed in liq. Xe PMT photo-cathode coverage: 64% Inner mass of Xenon: 857kg (~3g/cm3) 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Detector PMT and Mockup 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Aim, Signal and Backgrounds
10-4 dru (ev/kg/keV/day) 10-45cm2 SI for ~100GeV WIMPs For the signal detection Low threshold: ~ 5 keV or less 8 pe /keV (64% photo-cov.) Large fiducial volume: 100kg or more 20cmf: 100kg (20cm self-shield) 25cmf: 200kg (15cm self-shield) before any PSD applied Expected signal for cm2 for 50GeV / 100GeV Background level in 20cm fiducial mass of 100kg pp-solar n 7Be solar n 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Aim, Signal and Backgrounds
Challenge to Reduce Backgrounds Internal BG (U, Th, Rn, Kr,,,) Target: U/ Th < 10-14g/g, Kr <1 ppt External BG (g, n from PMT, Shields, Rocks) Self-Shield Low BG PMT (~1mBq / PMT)、Low BG shielding material Water Shield surrounding the Xe detector n/g from rocks Cosmo-genics Active muon veto (water shield), Circulation 10-4 dru U-chain gamma rays Blue : g tracking Pink : whole liquid xenon Deep pink : fiducial volume 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
What we have done and status
Basic performance and qualities were already tested using a proto-type detector (30cm)3 and other devices. 1. Reconstruction of the vertex and energy 2. Self-shielding power 3. Various BG 4. Parameters for MC simulation 5. Others Proto-type detector 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Vertex and energy reconstruction
Vertex reconstruction Hit Pattern (+ photon distribution) External g-ray source at various positions tested by the proto-type detector DATA MC 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Vertex and energy reconstruction
Position resolution Energy resolution @10keV Fiducial volume Vertex resolution: 6.5 cm Energy resolution: 1.5 keV for 10 keV events 10keV R=5cm 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Internal Backgrounds U/Th contamination in liq. Xenon 238U = (9±6) x10-14 g/g (proto-type det.) Target: 238U < 1x10-14 g/g (~1decay/100kg/d) 232Th < 23 x10-14 g/g (proto-type det.) Target: 232Th: <2x10-14 g/g U, Th near to the goal. within reach. Will be reduced further by getters and filters Developing new hand-made Molecular Sheaves 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Internal Backgrounds Krypton (85Kr) To be removed by distillation made a prototype distillation system Off-gas Xe: 330±100 ppb Kr (measured) Low T Xenon w/3ppb Kr ~1% Process Speed 0.6 kg/h 1/1000 Kr / 1 pass ~3m ~99% Purified Xe: 3.3 ±1.1 ppt Kr High T Target: Kr: < 1ppt developing new one Rn can also be reduced by distillation 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
External Backgroud Development of low BG PMT 1/10 of R8778 (except 60Co) 238U 232Th 40K 60Co Target (mBq/PMT) x10-3 x10-3 x10-2 x10-3 Measured (mBq/PMT) < 1.00 < 0.94 < 0.97 4.5±0.3 ~ Achieved the target value 10 cm self-shield Background from PMTs (238U) /day/keV/kg Monte Carlo Abs . length 100cm Scat. length 30cm 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 Energy (keV) Self-shield is very effective Below 300 keV number of events in the 20 cm fiducial volume (100kg) decreases rapidly. <10-5/day/keV/kg 20cm self-shield (100kg fid. Mass) 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Distance from the entrance (cm)
External Backgroud Tested ‘Self-Shield’: by the proto-type detector g-rays Z= 0 Z= 30 137Cs: 662keV g-ray Confirmed Self-Shield works >2 orders of magnitude agreement between data and Monte Carlo DATA MC Number of events 1/200 reduction in 25cm g-ray direction Distance from the entrance (cm) 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Neutron backgrounds Neutrons from rocks Water shields effective to reduce neutrons fn(Kamioka)= ( ) x10-6 /cm2/sec n events in Liq. Xenon w/ 200cm water << 10-4 counts/day/kg 10MeV neutrons 200cm XMASS water tank water Z [cm] Liq. Xe Detector Size ~1.5m MC : Generation:107 ~10m ~4.25m X [cm] ~10m 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Neutron backgrounds Neutrons from PMT (a, n) reaction Spontaneous fission of 238U Scaled from M.J. Carson, et al., hep-ex/ 857kg Xenon + 642new Hex. PMTs U [ppb] Th mass [/PMT] Rate(U) [/kg/year] Rate (Th) [/kg/year] Quarts <0.79 <1.69 11 g <0.002 <0.0008 Metals <0.18 <0.96 123 g <0.003 Total < /kg/year (< 2.2×10-5 /kg/day) 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Cavity was completed in February this year
New Experimental Hall Cavity was completed in February this year KamLAND SuperK H=15m New Halls L=21m W=15m Water tank will be constructed by next February 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
New Experimental Hall 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Cross section to nucleon (pb)
Expected results XMASS (100kg, 5yr) 3s discovery lines: x ~100 sensitive than the best 10-40 SI Plots exept for XMASS Gaitskell & Mandic Spin Dependent(SD) DAMA 10-30 10-42 10-32 XENON10 Cross section to nucleon (pb) 10-34 10-44 XMASS 10-36 10-46 10-38 J Ellis et al. benchmark 103 WIMP mass(GeV) 10-40 10-45cm2 (10-9pb) for SI and 10-39cm2 (10-3pb) for SD 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Summary XMASS was fully funded last year Experimental Hall was completed in the last Feb. Most of the R&D have finished PMT Distillation filter We have 1.1 tons of Xenon in Kamioka already XMASS will be ready by the next summer, 2009. The BG level in 100~200 kg fiducial volume is expected to be less than 10-4 dru The target sensitivity is cm2 for ~100GeV WIMPs (SI) 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
XMASS Collaborating Institutions
Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo Tokai Univ. Gifu Univ. Waseda Univ. Yokohama National Univ. Miyagi Education Univ. Institute for Solar Terrestrial Environment, Nagoya Univ. Seoul National University Sejong University 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Backup 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Why single phase 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Road to Bigger Detector
Fast neutrinos having single recoil interactions will be the ultimate background source in order to go beyond the sensitivity level of 10-45cm2 (10-9pb). Self-Shield (for neutrons) is extremely important for such backgrounds. 23 tons, 250cm in diameter Effective volume 5 MeV Neutrons Interaction point (Evis>5keV) Effective Volume # of events (cm-3) 60 120 cm Distance from Center 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden 23
Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
Circulation System 2008/8/19 Y.Suzuki, IDM2008, Stckholm, Sweden
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