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FT NMR WORKSHOP/===/ S.A.I.F./===/ NEHU/==/ Shillong

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Presentation on theme: "FT NMR WORKSHOP/===/ S.A.I.F./===/ NEHU/==/ Shillong"— Presentation transcript:

1 FT NMR WORKSHOP/===/ S.A.I.F./===/ NEHU/==/ Shillong
FT NMR WORKSHOP/===/ S.A.I.F./===/ NEHU/==/ Shillong INTRODUCTORY LECTURE S.ARAVAMUDHAN An animated elaboration of the Single spin Interactions Spin ensemble and Longitudinal Spin alignments Thermal equilibrium: Transverse plane dephasing Spin transitions: Longitudinal Magnetization Build up for thermal equilibrium: Concluding Slide for the Detection of N.M.R. "Wondershare PPT to WMV" conversion Softwatre

2 The spinning object has an angular momentum
Spin and Magnetic moment: Illustration: Nucleus rotates about an axis within itself, which is referred to as the spinning of nuclei. Spin axis The spinning object has an angular momentum Nucleus has electrical Charge. Thus a rotating charge has associated magnetic moment. Spin Angular momentum For protons: Spin quantum number=1/2 The angular momentum and magnetic moment are in the same direction because of the positive charge of the nucleus The NUCLEI thus possess angular momentum; and the angular momentum in atomic system are quantized. Due to this quantization, the angular momentum component in any chosen direction can take only specified discrete values. In the quantized orientations the spins experience a torque due to which they must be precessing (Larmor precession) NOTE: that the single spin is invariably associated with an XY component perpendicular to the magnetic field direction I h +1/2ħ ±1/2 I h -1/2ħ Electromagnetic radiation causes the spin flipping Magnetic Field

3 Vector diagramatic description
Spin=1/2 Energy Field +1/2 -1/2 A single spin description cannot be complete without the associated XY component The Larmor precession frequency depends on the strength of external field hν=gβH +1/2 ħ For proton spin of ½, there are two allowed orientations so that the component along z-axis is either +1/2 or -1/2 hν=gβH Quantized Energy level description If a rotating magnetic field of relatively small magnitude is present in the perpendicular plane at frequency ν , then the resonance occurs and the spin undergoes a flipping transition to another orientation. +1/2 ħ Lower energy Vector diagramatic description -1/2 ħ Upper energy Photon energy absorbed; transition occurs hν=gβH -1/2 ħ +1/2 ħ Radiation Induced Transition or stimulaed transition

4 A definition: Magnetic Resonance Phenomenon is a manifestation due to the presence of INTRINSIC SPIN angular momentum and the associated Magnetic Moment characteristically in electrons and Nuclei Single line NMR spectrum When the experimental conditions are set for the NUCLEI to resonate, then it is the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. NMR spectrum of a sample of spin ensemble…….. 0 ppm TMS 10ppm PMR spectrum

5 "Wondershare PPT to WMV" conversion Softwatre
At thermal equilibrium Magnetization is built up in a spin ensemble in a magnetic field. And, the established magnetization responds to the electro magnetic radiation to cause the magnetic resonance to occur. Magnetization External Magnetic Field Z X Y Magnetization Chemical substance Spin ensemble How can we describe this ensemble picture with the single spin description ? The term MAGNETIZATION is Introduced Sample would be placed in the field I h Moment Spins align NET Magnetization Magnetic Field Moments Above single spin situation can be generalized for several spins The random orientation of the spins gets ordered and aligned in presence of external magnetic field NOTE that the XY components are randomly disposed; hence resultant would be zero Magnetization ONLY along Z-direction. NO Magnetization in the XY plane. XY moment components are not zero, the resultant net value in XY plane is zero Oriented randomly "Wondershare PPT to WMV" conversion Softwatre at “Thermal equilibrium”

6 A steady Uniform Magnetic Field of 9.34 Tesla is applied
Elaboration on the even more basic Single spin Magnetic moment situation in a steady applied Magnetic field and the Consequent Magnetization can be viewed at YOUTUBE.COM url OF ‘My Channel: at YOUTUBE Obtaining FT NMR A steady Uniform Magnetic Field of 9.34 Tesla is applied Experimental sample is placed in the magnetic field Uploaded files 1_NMR and 2_NMR Magnetization Builds up due to Relaxation process in Time T1 z x y A rectangular pulse of 400 MHz RF frequency is applied to bring the magnetization to XY Plane Magnetization decay due to T2 process. Free Induction Decay F.I.D. acquired (as in slides # 5, & 10) FID is digitized FID Fourier Transformed to obtain Spectrum

7 Defocusing and signal decay
PULSED NMR experiment XY - Magnetization induces RF signal in the receiver coil Z - Magnetization along the Field Z X Y Defocusing and signal decay Output from receiver coil - FID RF Pulse : π/2 pulse to flips the magnetization into xy plane CW Oscillator GATE Receiver- detector Display Monitor Recorder RF Pulse Probe In Magnet DC Pulse generator

8 Free Induction Decay Signal
Viewed from within the rotating frame the RF field appears stationary A BLUE line for z-Axis indicates the view from within the rotating coordinate system. Rotating x,y axes :rotation about Lab z-axis No More Clicks ! This show has automatic timings Tilted Magnetization in xy plane viewed from Lab Frame. Precessing at resonance frequency. X Y Z X Y Z After the pulse: at t>0 Y If No T2…….. The F.I.D. Tilting of magnetization Apply the 90º, X pulse now, P-Xπ/2 At the end of pulse, time for F.I.D. begins with t=0 Magnetization in XY plane appears stationary when viewed in Rotating Frame from within the rotating frame Described in rotating frame: Rotation about the X-axis I(tp) =e-iI-xφ Iz e+iI-xφ with φ=90º & tp is pulse duration X Y Z When the XY magnetization decays with transverse relaxation time T2, immediately after the pulse…… When PSD reference is in phase off set from Resonance frequency; NMR signal at receiver (RF 400 MHz ) Induced NMR signal at receiver (RF 400 MHz ) CLICK to Transit When PSD reference is in phase at Resonance frequency; NMR signal at receiver (RF 400 MHz ) tp t=0 Acquisition time ~5T2 FID Free Induction Decay Signal

9 "Wondershare PPT to WMV" conversion Softwatre
Z- Magnetization Z- Magnetization brought to xy plane ±1/2 Random phase for xy components Thermal equilibrium “time scales much greater than T2” Above motion of xy components at time scales small compared to transverse relaxation time "Wondershare PPT to WMV" conversion Softwatre

10 Frequency Domain Spectrum
PULSED NMR Acquire F.I.D. Free Induction Decay NMR detection soon after a strong pulse: precessing nuclear magnetization induces a signal in coil when it is free of the perturbing EM radiation Acquisition is automatically in the digitized form Computer memory Address Contents 15 1111 14 1110 8 1000 4 0100 7 0110 1 0001 0111 0000 Time domain 15 11 DIGITIZE Analogue to Digital Converter A.D.C. F.I.D. Frequency Domain Spectrum Computer output This one-dimensional FT NMR spectrum is the same information as the C.W. NMR spectrum Next Slide FFT from FID Computer input

11 Time domain FID data: 32 points
Real Imaginary 16 data data points points Frequency domain spectrum

12 t=0 +1 Value between +1 & 0 Provision is made in the data processing system, for routinely applying phase corrections COS Real Imaginary F.T Real Imaginary F.T SIN Real Imaginary F.T Arbitrary Phase fc cos(2πνt) + fs sin (2πνt) with fc2 +fs2 =1

13 Degeneracy removed/Energy levels split
External Magnetic Field Sample: Ensemble of spins Magnetization Magnetization Magnetization I0 It T1 CLICK ! t It Magnetization Builds up exponentially (1-e-t/ ) T1 I0 = It Z X Y To repeat the above events: Right Click & Select option ‘previous” When the magnetic field is turned on, the spins align at the characteristic longitudinal relaxation time T1 Initially, before the external magnetization is applied, the spins are randomly oriented On the application of field….. CLICK ! Splitting is instantaneous & population redistribution requires more time called the relaxation time CLICK for….... On-set of Longitudinal Relaxation -1/2 No radiations are present CLICK ! -1/2 +1/2 Not stimulated transitions: but spontaneous relaxation transitions No net magnetization CLICK for…. random Magnetic field Net magnetization along Z-direction & ZERO XY component +1/2 Degeneracy removed/Energy levels split Thermal equilibrium Boltzmann distribution

14 Longitudinal T1 Relaxation
Relaxation Longitudinal and transverse Magnetic field I h NET Magnetization Alignment….. Random… CLICK ! Longitudinal T1 Relaxation Transverse T2 Relaxation Randomization in XY plane: Magnetization Decays t A π/2 pulse flips the z-magnetization to xy-plane

15 Preparation pulse: facilitates the following……..
Free evolution of spin system Free evolution of spin system FFT Spectrum Spin Echo Fourier Transform Spectroscopy x z y Preparation pulse (π/2-pulse) Echo x z y Τ secs Τ secs Refocussing (Mixing?) pulse Inverting pulse (π-pulse) 180° pulse 90° pulse F.I.D Refocus Defocus t2 acquisition The refocus period is somewhat similar to the Mixing Time in the pulse sequences for dimensional NMR Spectra. However the Mixing period is held fixed while varying the t1 period for 2D, as described in the next slide. Rotating x,y axes :rotation about Lab z-axis Preparation pulse: facilitates the following…….. Z X Y Magnetization in XY plane appears stationary when viewed in Rotating Frame from within the rotating frame X Y X Y Z Rotating system viewed from within that system: STATIONARY X Y The description above of the spin echo spin system evolution was with the magnetization vectors in a rotating coordinate system Transforming to Rotating coordinate system

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