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How to Leverage Loyal Patients

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Presentation on theme: "How to Leverage Loyal Patients"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Leverage Loyal Patients
to Improve Revenue

2 Scott Hebert Ryan Klepps Darryl Yardley
PT, DPT WebPT Director of Product Management, PRM Co-Founder of Strive Labs PT, DPT WebPT Director of Onboarding and Member Education Co-Founder of Strive Labs PT, FCAMPT Manager of Therapy Services at the Brant Community Health System Chair of Private Practice Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association

3 Who here measures satisfaction?

4 What is your score? Ryan

5 Measure the experience.

6 Measure the experience.

7 The problem(s) with satisfaction
The ceiling effect Ryan

8 The problem(s) with satisfaction
Sampling bias Ryan

9 The problem(s) with satisfaction
Environmental bias Ryan

10 The problem(s) with satisfaction
Poor sensitivity Ryan

11 Should you measure satisfaction?

12 "Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless."
Jeffrey Gitomer Scott

13 Scott

14 My Expectations Don’t Crash Be On Time Scott

15 Personal TV More Leg Room Free Wifi Mobile App

16 "Repeat business or behavior can be bribed. Loyalty has to be earned."
Janet Robinson, Former President and CEO of the New York Times Scott

17 Measure the experience.
Satisfaction Loyalty vs. Scott

18 Who here measures loyalty?

19 Net Promoter Score® (NPS®)
Measuring Loyalty Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) Ryan

20 Measuring Loyalty “How likely would you be to recommend our practice to a friend or family member?” Ryan

21 NPS® = % Promoters - % Detractors
Measuring Loyalty NPS® = % Promoters - % Detractors Promoter: Score > 8 Passive: Score of 7 or 8 Detractor: Score < 7 Ryan


23 On average, detractors attend 5 fewer visits than promoters.
Why measure NPS®? On average, detractors attend 5 fewer visits than promoters. Ryan

24 NPS Campaign Checklist
Need-to-haves: Ability to send via and/or text Process for sending based on rules/events such as IE date, visit number, or D/C date Dashboard Compliance with HIPAA standards Nice-to-haves: Integration with EMR Automated NPS process Scott

25 What’s a good NPS® Score?
52 What’s a good NPS® Score? 89 10 Scott

26 Scott

27 What’s a good PT NPS® Score?
Bottom 10% < 75 What’s a good PT NPS® Score? Average 84 Top 10% > 90 Scott

28 Manage reputation. Scott

29 Manage reputation. Target promoters. Scott

30 Manage reputation. Goal: Rank first in Google local search results within three months and obtain at least ten 5-star reviews. Right Message: Review request Right Patient: NPS® Score > 8 Right Time: Three days after NPS® survey completion Scott

31 A 1-star improvement can translate to a 5-10% increase in revenue.
Manage reputation. A 1-star improvement can translate to a 5-10% increase in revenue. Source: Luca, M. Reviews, reputation, and revenue: the case of Harvard Business School, working paper 2011; Ryan

32 Optimizing for Search Organic results Title tags URL structure
Meta description Description + Google NAP (name, address, phone number) consistency Ryan

33 Organic results matter.

34 Title Tags Ryan

35 URL Structure Ryan

36 Meta Description Ryan

37 H1 Header Ryan

38 Description and Google

39 NAP Consistency Name Address Phone Number Ryan

40 Credibility / Reliability / Consistency
SEO Strategy Credibility / Reliability / Consistency Keith

41 Increase reactivation.

42 Increase reactivation.
1 in every 2 adults will suffer from a musculoskeletal condition. Scott

43 Increase reactivation.
Goal: Capture an average of five patient reactivations per month in the next six months. Right Message: Free wellness screen with associated landing page Right Patient: NPS® Score > 8 Right Time: Six months after discharge Scott

44 Increase reactivation.
Acquiring a new customer is 5-25x more expensive than retaining an existing one. Source: Gallo, A. The value of keeping the right customers. Harvard Business Review, Scott

45 Coach staff. Ryan

46 Coach staff. Ryan

47 Coach staff. Ryan

48 Coach staff. Ryan

49 Questions?

50 Thank you.

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