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Working Effectively with Administrators

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Presentation on theme: "Working Effectively with Administrators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Effectively with Administrators
AGENDA START FINISH ALLOTMENT Prior Knowledge Topic Survey/Anticipation/Reaction Guide 8:30 8:35 0:05 JIGSAW Activity Introduction 8:40 JIGSAW Activity & Handout Completion 8:55 0:15 Group Presentations 9:10 9:15 0:45

2 Learning Materials Folder Walkthrough
Handout 1: Presentation Handout 2: Prior Knowledge Topic Survey—Anticipation Handout 3: Anticipation Guide Sample Handout 4: Excerpt about Strength Based School Improvement Handout 5: Article Building Teachers’ Capacity for Success Handout 6: JIGSAW Activity Handout 7: Overarching Question Guide

3 Essential Question How do administrators and reading coaches counteract naturally resistant tendencies and bring about meaningful and lasting progress in our schools?


5 Anticipation / Reaction Guide
Instruction: Respond to each statement BEFORE the presentation. Write A if you agree with the statement Write B if you disagree with the statement


Divide into small, heterogeneous groups of 6. Each group selects one person to be the JIGSAW group leader. JIGSAW group leader assigns each group member one article segment to read (Refer to next slide). Participants identify JIGSAW recording sheets in materials folders for notes. JIGSAW group members read their article segments. BREAKUP INTO “expert groups” and as an “expert group” discuss the main points of their segment. All participants move back into their JIGSAW groups and present his or her segment to the JIGSAW group. As article segments are presented, JIGSAW group members should ask clarifying questions. Using the knowledge attained from the article and all associated discussions JIGSAW group members MUST answer their GROUPS’ overarching question. Present group response to overarching question to ALL session participants.

8 JIGSAW Activity—Participant Reading Assignments
Participant 1: Excerpt on Strength-Based School Improvement from Building Teachers' Capacity for Success by Pete Hall and Alisa Simeral—1 Page Handout Participant 2: The Coach–Administrator Partnership, Relationship Triangulation, Figure 2.1. Relationship Triangulation, The PLC Concept, and Alisa's Approach Participant 3: A New Frontier: Instructional Coaches, The Buck Stops Here: Administrators, Roles, Responsibilities Within the Partnership, and Figure 2.2. Characteristics of the Instructional Coach and the Building Administrator Participant 4: Driving Forces and Common Responsibilities Participant 5: Distinct Responsibilities Participant 6: Overlapping Responsibilities and The Partnership's Results

9 JIGSAW Activity—Summary Activity
Instruction: After reading and sharing the 1 page handout and article each group will orally present their answers to the posed question.

10 Anticipation / Reaction Guide
Instruction: Respond to each statement AFTER the presentation. Write A if you STILL agree with the statement Write B if you STILL disagree with the statement

11 Q & A

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