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Write in Complete Sentences Please!!!!

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1 Write in Complete Sentences Please!!!!
Bell Ringer-05/31/18 Please tell me 2 things you already know about Conception, Pregnancy, & Birth. Write in Complete Sentences Please!!!!

2 Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth
Mrs. Hill

3 Conception (fertilization)
The union of the egg and sperm is called fertilization. Usually occurs in the fallopian tubes Semen is released into the female million sperm released in a single ejaculation Only one sperm will reach and fertilize the egg

4 Conception-con’td The chromosomes are located in the nucleus.
23 chromosomes are in a sperm cell and egg cell. Sex is determined by the male Y The egg is always X and if the XX = female XY = male There are more Y sperm than X sperm Y are smaller and faster, X sperm live longer Sperm can live up to 7 days Egg lives 3-5 days then disintegrates

5 Pregnancy After the egg is fertilized- it begins to divide and multipy-2 cells, 4,8,16…etc. Zygote- when the eggs starts to divide and until it implants in the uterus (fertilized ovum). The zygote continues to travel down the fallopian tube toward the uterus where it will implant into the endometrium (Blastocyst)

6 Pregnancy-cont’d A. signs of pregnancy: skipped menstrual period
Breasts enlarge and become tender Morning sickness Frequent urination Fatigue

7 Pregnancy tests 1. urine 2. Blood-more accurate *Need to wait 3-4 weeks before being tested -Delivery due date is estimated. Add 1 week from last menstrual period and 9 months. -Approx. 270 days

8 3 Trimesters 1st Trimester (months 1,2,3)
Zygote implants in the endometrium Embryo- after it implants- The first 8 weeks 4th week- head is distinguishable - brain is forming - first heartbeat

9 1st Trimester Six weeks- - eyes and ears are forming
- arms and leg are forming Eight weeks- Fetus-1 inch long - kidneys are functioning - fingers and toes

10 First trimester Placenta- organ that develops to nourish and provide for the needs of the fetus- 1.Oxygen 2.fluids 3.nutrition 4.waste removal Umbilical cord- lifeline for the fetus. Connects the placenta to the abdomen (belly button) of the fetus. Miscarriage- when the baby is delivered but dies. Most likely during first trimester.

11 Second trimester (months 4,5,6)
Safest time for mother and fetus Fetus weighs 1-2 lbs inches long Mother can feel the baby “kicking” **There are the least complications during the 2nd trimester.

12 Third trimester (months 7-8-9)
Rapid growth/weight gain Fetus moves to head down position -ready for birth. Weighs 5lbs.- 18 inches. 95% survival rate. *A complication could be preeclampsia (high blood pressure).

13 Write in Complete Sentences Please!!!!
Bell Ringer-04//17 Please tell me 1 characteristic from each trimester. So 1 from the 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, and the 3rd trimester. Write in Complete Sentences Please!!!!

14 Pregnancy terms Amniotic Sac- the fluid filled sac the fetus floats in to stay protected during the pregnancy. Amniotic fluid-the “water” in the amnion. Lactation- the breasts begin to produce milk. Birth-the delivery of the fetus. Pre-mature birth- born before a full 9 months –or weighing less than 5 ½ lbs. Miscarriage- when the baby does not survive

15 Birth-3 Stages 1.-Labor- Contractions of the Uterus signal the beginning of childbirth. Labor pains. -Dilation-the uterus begins to open *During labor, the woman’s cervix dilates to 10 cm. Water breaks- birth is eminent. No turning back. Labor is usually the longest stage. Minutes to hours.

16 Birth 2. Delivery- the baby is born. Usually head first. Baby pushes out of the uterus into the birth canal-vagina. 3. Afterbirth- the placenta is expelled

17 Childbirth- Complications
Multiple births- more than one baby is delivered Identical twins- one egg (ovum) splits into an exact duplicate. Same sex-identical. Fraternal twins- two eggs are fertilized, both implant. Can be same or opposite sex. Conjoined twins- connected some how- incomplete separation of identical twins

18 Childbirth Complications
Breech birth-fetus is not head down. Arm or feet first. Caesarian section- when the fetus is surgically removed by cutting in the uterus through the abdominal wall and lifting the baby out. FAS- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- when the baby is born addicted to alcohol to an alcoholic mother. Addiction- born addicted, mental and physical deformities. Ectopic pregnancy- when the zygote implants in the fallopian tube, will not survive. Will cause a miscarriage

19 Other Facts Weight gain -usually 25 pounds. Baby weighs 7lbs.
Placenta and umbilical cord- 3-5 lbs. Too much weight gain-difficult to lose it all.

20 Explain why a pregnant woman would not go through their menstrual period (menstruation) during their pregnancy?

21 Explanation A pregnant woman would not experience her menstrual cycle because the hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) that is being released in your body stops the Menstrual Cycle from occurring.

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