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Matv^taai (Matthew) 7:24-27
Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Sunday/September 13, 2015 Firm Foundation And Decay Foundation Wuonv Nyei Gorn-Ndoqv Caux Hei Nyei Gorn-Ndoqv Matv^taai (Matthew) 7:24-27
24 "Hnangv naaiv, haaix dauh haiz liuz yie naaiv deix waac, yaac ei jienv zoux, se hnangv yietc dauh cong-mengh nyei mienh gomv biauv la'bieiv-baengh gu'nguaaic.” 24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (NIV) 2
25 Duih domh mbiungc, wuom hlo guaatv, borngz domh nziaaux buonc biauv, biauv yaac maiv mbaang, weic zuqc gomv la'bieiv-baengh gu'nguaaic.” 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (NIV) 3
26 "Mv baac haaix dauh haiz liuz yie naaiv deix waac yaac maiv ei jienv zoux, ziouc hnangv dauh mienh hngongx mienh nor. Naaiv dauh gomv biauv yiem saa-ziou gu'nguaaic.” 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” (NIV) 4
27 Duih domh mbiungc, wuom hlo guaatv, borngz domh nziaaux buonc biauv, biauv ziouc mbaang. Lomz! lomz nyei mbaang mi'aqv." 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.“ (NIV) 5
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction
A. Yiem 1998 wuov hnyaangx maaih domh sic cuotv yiem Florida Saengv. In 1998 was quite a year for natural disasters in the state of Florida: 1. Maaih domh nziaaux-zunc, maaih domh mbiungc-nziaaux daaih buonc biauv mbaang, zoux waaic mienh nyei biauv, bun mienh daic. There were killer tornadoes, devastating fires, destructive hurricanes. 2. Naaiv deix sic cuotv nyauv taux ziex laanh mienh nyei maengc. Impacting the lives of many people. 6
B. Naaiv deix sic hinc cuotv bun mienh oix zuqc zorc oix zuqc ceix ziex nyungc jauv. Such disasters proved to reveal much about contractors: 1. Mbuo yaac haih duqv hoqc hiuv taux maaih deix zaangc mienh gomv nyei biauv se maiv wuonv. We learned that some builders were unscrupulous. 2. Weic ninh mbuo maiv ei jienv gomv biauv nyei gorn-ndoqv nyei leiz ceix, maaih ziex norm biauv caux domh biauv ziouc mbaang nzengc. Failing to build according to code, many homes and buildings were destroyed. 8
C. Yesu longc domh mbiungc-nziaaux caux biauv zoux waac-beiv yiem ninh nyei setv mueiz zunh doz nyei waac. Jesus made a parallel between storms and buildings at the end of His sermon - Mt 7:24-27: 1. Ninh kuinx mienh oix zuqc ei jienv Ninh njaaux nyei jauv zoux. As He sought to encourage people to act upon His sayings. 2. Ninh bun mienh hiuv duqv muangx caux ei jienv zoux nyei jauv ndongc haaix maiv fih hnangv. Contrasting the difference between those who were doers and not just listeners. 9
D. Yiem naaiv ginc hoqc nyei jauv, yie oix naaic deix waac meih mbuo
D. Yiem naaiv ginc hoqc nyei jauv, yie oix naaic deix waac meih mbuo. In this lesson, I wish to address the following questions: 1. Mienh guai mienh caux mienh hngongx mienh gomv nyei biauv se beiv taux haaix nyungc? What do the "houses" of the wise and foolish builders represent? 2. Yesu gorngv domh nziaaux nyei jauv se ninh gorngv taux haaix nyungc? What "storms" is Jesus talking about? 3. Mbuo hnangv haaix nor haih gomv biauv daaih domh mbiungc nziaaux buonc yaac maiv mbaang? How can we "build" so as to be able to withstand the storms? 10
Yiem naaiv deix biei yiemc Ging-Sou biux mengh taux biaa nyungc jauv fai biaa nyungc ga’naaiv mbuox mbuo. In these four verses demonstrates five things or shows us five kind of things. (1) Cong-mengh nyei gomv biauv mienh se beiv taux haaix nyungc mienh? What is the wise builders represent to? (2) Hngongx nyei gomv biauv mienh se beiv taux haaix nyungc mienh? What is the foolish builders represent to? 11
(3) La’bieiv-baengh se beiv taux haaix nyungc
(3) La’bieiv-baengh se beiv taux haaix nyungc?. What is the rock represent to?. (4) Saaiv-ziou ndau se beiv taux haaix nyungc. What is sand represent to?. (5) Domh mbiungc-nziaaux caux loc se beiv taux haaix nyungc? What is the storms and flood represent to? 12
I. Cong-Mengh Mienh Gomv Nyei Biauv
I. Cong-Mengh Mienh Gomv Nyei Biauv. The Wise Man Build His House (Matthew 7:24-25). "Hnangv naaiv, haaix dauh haiz liuz yie naaiv deix waac, yaac ei jienv zoux, se hnangv yietc dauh cong-mengh nyei mienh gomv biauv la'bieiv-baengh gu'nguaaic. Duih domh mbiungc, wuom hlo guaatv, borngz domh nziaaux buonc biauv, biauv yaac maiv mbaang, weic zuqc gomv la'bieiv-baengh gu'nguaaic.” "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” 13
II. Mienh Hngongx Mienh Gomv Biauv. Foolish Builder (Matthew 7:26-27).
"Mv baac haaix dauh haiz liuz yie naaiv deix waac yaac maiv ei jienv zoux, ziouc hnangv dauh mienh hngongx mienh nor. Naaiv dauh gomv biauv yiem saa-ziou gu'nguaaic. Duih domh mbiungc, wuom hlo guaatv, borngz domh nziaaux buonc biauv, biauv ziouc mbaang. Lomz! lomz nyei mbaang mi'aqv." “But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." 14
The Wise And Foolish Builders (1 Corithians 3: 10-15).
III. Cong-Mengh Mienh Caux Mienh Hngongx Mienh Gomv Biauv Nyei Jauv ( 1 Ko^lin^to 3:10-15). The Wise And Foolish Builders (1 Corithians 3: 10-15). 15
10 Ei Tin-Hungh ceix bun yie nyei en, yie zoux maaih buoz-dauh nyei gomv biauv zaangc liepc ziangx gorn-ndoqv. Aengx maaih ganh dauh daaih bangc naaiv norm gorn-ndoqv ceix jiez. Mv baac dauh dauh oix zuqc faix fim mangc gaax, hnangv haaix nor ceix. 10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds.” (NIV) 16
11 Weic zuqc maiv maaih haaix dauh haih liepc ganh norm gorn-ndoqv, cuotv liuz liepc ziangx wuov norm, se Yesu Giduc.” 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (NIV) 17
12 Yiem naaiv norm gorn-ndoqv maaih deix mienh longc jiem fai nyaanh fai jaaix nyei la'bieiv ceix. Maaih deix longc ndiangx fai miev fai mbiauh nqaauv ceix.” 12 If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw,” (NIV) 18
13 Taux Siemv Zuiz Hnoi, gorqv-mienh zoux nyei gong oix biux mengh cuotv daaih, weic zuqc wuov norm Hnoi douz oix seix dauh dauh nyei gong hnangv haaix nor. 13 his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.” (NIV) 19
14 Se gorngv haaix dauh yiem naaiv norm liepc ziangx nyei gorn-ndoqv ceix jiez daaih nyei, zuqc douz buov yaac maiv zieqc nor, wuov dauh oix duqv zingh nyeic. 15 Mv baac haaix dauh zoux nyei gong zuqc douz zieqc nzengc nor, wuov dauh nyei zingh nyeic ndortv mi'aqv. Ninh ganh aeqv, duqv njoux, mv baac hnangv yiem douz biaux cuotv daaih nor. 14 If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. 15 If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.” (NIV) 20
Yiem naaiv ginc Ging-Sou biux mengh taux juqv nyungc sienx Yesu nyei mienh hnangv haaix nor sienx, hnangv haaix nor Tin-Hungh nyei waac mingh longc yiem ninh mbuo nyei maengc. In this passages demonstrates, there are six kind of Christians believe and practices, how they apply God’s word to their lives. 21
(1) Longc jiem ceix. Build by gold.
(2) Longc nyaanh ceix. Build by silver. (3) Longc jaaix nyei la'bieiv ceix. Build by costly stones. (4) Longc ndiangx ceix. Build by wood. (5) Longc miev ceix. Build by hay. (6) Longc mbiauh nqaauv ceix. Build by straw. 22
13 Taux Siemv Zuiz Hnoi, gorqv-mienh zoux nyei gong oix biux mengh cuotv daaih, weic zuqc wuov norm Hnoi douz oix seix dauh dauh nyei gong hnangv haaix nor. 14 Se gorngv haaix dauh yiem naaiv norm liepc ziangx nyei gorn-ndoqv ceix jiez daaih nyei, zuqc douz buov yaac maiv zieqc nor, wuov dauh oix duqv zingh nyeic. 13 his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. 14 If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.” (1 Cor.3:13-14). 23
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion 1
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion 1. Zeiz nyei, mbuo nyei maengc oix zuqc haih souv duqv wuonv yiem domh mbiungc-nziaaux sinx nyei ziangh hoc! Yes, this is a life that can truly withstand the storms! 2. Maiv gunv gorngv Yesu gorngv zaqc waac fai gorngv waac-orv nyei domh mbiungc-nziaaux dongh mbuo nyei maengc hnoi-hnoi oix zuqc buangh nyei sic. Whether it be the literal or figurative storms of everyday life. 3. Fai siemv zuiz nyei hnoi nyei domh mbiungc-nziaaux oix taux nyei jauv. Or the storm of the Day of Wrath and Judgment that is yet to come. 24
4. Meih bangc haaix nyungc gorn-ndoqv ceix meih nyei biauv
4. Meih bangc haaix nyungc gorn-ndoqv ceix meih nyei biauv? fai (maengc). What kind of foundation are you building your house or (life) upon? 6. Ei jienv Yesu gorngv nyei jauv zoux, meih nyei maengc ziouc oix maaih wuonv dorngx. Heed what Jesus is saying, and your life will be solid. 7. Kungx muangx hnangv, maiv ei jienv zoux se hnangv meih gomv biauv yiem sai-ziou gu’nguaaic wuov nor. Be listeners only, and your life will be as shaky as sand! 25
8. Se hnangv Yesu benx la’bieiv zoux Jiu Baang nyei gorn-ndoqv nor, yaac bun Ninh zoux meih nyei ziangh maengc nyei gorn-ndoqv. (1Co 3:11; Ep 2:20; 1Pe 2:4-6). Just as Jesus is the Rock-solid foundation of the church (1Co 3:11; Ep 2:20; 1Pe 2:4-6), so let Him be the Rock-solid foundation of your life! 26
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