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February 26th, 2016 Brown.

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1 February 26th, 2016 Brown

2 Focus Standard ELAGSE8W1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. a. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.

3 Introductory Paragraph
Three Parts: Hook Explain your topic Thesis/Viewpoint/Claim

4 Example One You see it every day, especially in freeway traffic. A car is weaving back and forth, speeding up then slowing down, or suddenly stopping. No, it’s not a drunk driver. It’s a cell-phone driver. Cell phones are used everywhere, but on the road they are a dangerous distraction to drivers and should be prohibited.

5 Example two The final bell rings. It’s the last day of school, and summer has finally come! Students don’t have to think about school for at least another 2 1/2 months. That is the way it should always be. Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-round schedule. There are numerous downsides to year- round schooling. It has no positive effects on education, it adds to costs, and it disrupts the long-awaited summer vacation.

6 Example Three “Fine arts are important in the curriculum because of what they do for learning,” stated Patty Taylor, arts consultant for the California State Department of Education. In other words, the arts, especially music, should be part of every school’s curriculum at every grade level. Music education has been proven to increase reading and mathematics of students whom participate in them. Most students don’t have a chance to learn music outside of school, and everyone deserves that opportunity.

7 Common Problems IN the introduction
I am NOT BORING!!! Missing one of the Big Three things you need. Giving your reasons in your introduction. It is boring. Your thesis does not match your information in the rest of your essay.

8 Review your introduction.
Task Review your introduction. Do you have three items needed in a introductory paragraph? Sheet of Paper and Title it- Introduction. Re-write your introduction and bring it to me to be checked off. Hooking your reader: Ask a question Use onomatopoeia Start with an anecdote Use dialogue Interesting quote Simile or Metaphor Interesting Fact Use the I-Pads to log onto the classroom blog to find links to websites with examples of the different types of hooks!

9 Use the document camera. Show your introduction.
Closing Use the document camera. Show your introduction. Explain how you met the standard.

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