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Welcome to Year 5 5 Acacia and 5 Sycamore.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5 5 Acacia and 5 Sycamore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5 5 Acacia and 5 Sycamore

2 The Year 5 team 5 Acacia 5 Sycamore Support Staff Ms Undre Miss K
Darlene and Eileen

3 Start of the school day Breakfast club begins at 8:00
Classrooms are open from 8:40 Registration is at 8:50 Blocking corridors and crowding classrooms Discussions with the class teacher at the end of the day by appointment Please ensure your child has had breakfast.

4 Notices PE – Thursday and Friday
On PE days, children MUST come to school in their PE kit Swimming is on Wednesday – appropriate kit Homework handed out on Thursday and returned on Tuesday. Check the noticeboards regularly for updates

5 What do children need to bring to school?
Book bags – books, homework and letters. Book – class library, home, school and library. A simple pencil case with a pencil, ruler, rubber and a glue stick. Healthy snacks – labelled and placed in the snack box at the start of the day. Water in a labelled bottle. Birthday treat ideas: books, stationery, game for the wet play area.

6 A Typical Day in Year 5 8.50-9.00- Registration
Reading/Mental Maths Mathematics Assembly Break time Guided Reading English Lunch time (If your child eats school meals, please can you use the online booking system to select their school meal) Science/topic/RE/ICT/PE/Drama

7 Curriculum Overview Autumn
Autumn 1 - History - Why should we thank The Ancient Greeks? Autumn 2 - Geography - Where Should We Go On Holiday? Spring Spring 1 - History - What Impact Did the Anglo Saxons Have? Spring 2 - Geography - Where Does All of Our Stuff Come From? Summer Summer 1 - History - How Has Communication Changed Over Time? Summer 2 - Geography - How Is Our Country Changing?

8 Expectations in Autumn Term
Homework Expectations in Autumn Term Expectation for Year 5 Homework/Subject 90 minutes a week homework Reading 20 minutes every night Reading books Spelling/Vocabulary Times Tables/Division Facts Comprehension Maths Homework will be handed out on Thursday and it is important that homework is completed and returned to school by Tuesday.


10 At home it's helpful for parents to:
Encourage reading for pleasure from an early age  Lead by example and let your child see you reading for pleasure as they become independent readers themselves. Pick out new or unusual words when sharing books and act these out with young children or help them to find out what these words mean. Nurture a curiosity about words and their meanings. Dictionary use is an important self-help strategy and nowadays students can choose between online dictionaries or the good old fashioned paper version. Find out in advance which topic words are being covered in class and borrow fiction and non-fiction books from the library which extend this learning so that these topic words can be heard lots of times and in context. Make word learning fun, play quick and easy word games 


12 How can we make our school more word aware?
The key to overcoming this issue is for parents and teachers to work together. Word learning is most effective when it is done in context and so it helps if parents can be kept informed of the topics being covered in class along with the key topic words.

13 How do we build vocabulary and engagement with Word Up Wessex?
Vocabulary is specifically taught on a regular basis in all classes using the STAR approach (Select, Teach, Activate, Review). Fridge words sent home weekly- the words that children are learning in school. They are to be displayed either on the fridge or a notice board. Parents to talk to the children about these words.

14 Behaviour High expectations! Dojos/ house points
Cloud System – clear steps to minimise disruption. Phase Leader – Ms Okolie Zero Tolerance to bullying, fighting, swearing, racism and defiance.

15 Rewards Achievement Assembly: Certificates & Tea with the Head
House Points / Dojos Fabulous Friday Good News Notes Praise!

16 Learning outside the classroom

17 Uniform Footwear Jewellery Labels

18 Online Safety in school
Online Safety is part of the curriculum and children are taught how to be safe online. The School has a filtered internet service and children are encouraged to report anything they are concerned about to their class teachers and IT Team. The children will be asked to sign an Acceptable Use Policy – outlining the safe use of the school IT systems.

19 What are children doing Online at home…
Playing Socialising Sharing Searching Browsing

20 Be aware of age restrictions on Social Networking Sites
Ask children to show you their devices so that you can monitor their Online presence Instagram - Age 13+ Facebook - Age 13+ Pinterest - Age 13+ Kik - Age 13+ Snapchat - Age 13+ Twitter – N/A Whatsapp – Age 16+ Set Privacy Settings with your children

21 Online Safety Three main areas of concern for children
Cyberbullying Keep the evidence Block the bullies Online Grooming Discuss this with your child Ask them about their online friends Inappropriate Content on websites Set parental controls on all internet enabled devices - Laptops, games consoles, phones Parents Always Report concerns to the School Safeguarding Team Police, Ceop Attend Online Safety Meetings held at school

22 You are welcome to a coffee morning in the Rainbow House with Zanaba!
Copies of this presentation and curriculum maps will shortly be made available on the school website. You are welcome to a coffee morning in the Rainbow House with Zanaba!

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