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1 Imperialism

2 From 1763-1871, there was a net decline in European colonial control
Following the unification of Italy and Germany, Europe’s aspirations for national greatness turned outside the continent As of 1870, Europe possessed both the means and motives for further penetration of the global market

3 Imperialism in the period from saw more direct control of foreign territory and a greater emphasis placed on colonies internal infrastructure and development

4 Means and Motives Economic Needed access to raw materials
Great powers did not wish to depend on potential enemies for supplies Colonies opened the door for self sufficiency Looked to colonies as markets for finished products

5 Political Coveted certain locations for their strategic value Great Britain eventually formed a protectorate in Egypt Italy pursed colonies at great cost as a claim to status as one of the great powers After 1871, European powers cared up Africa (driven by public opinion) Colonies acted as an outlet for surplus population

6 Cultural David Livingstone traveled to the Dark Continent as a medical missionary Followed by the British who believed it was their duty to civilize the inferior race By the 1870’s, we see the influence of Racial Darwinism

7 Reasons Europe was able to control 2/3 of the world population
Technological advances of the Second Industrial Revolution With the industrialization of war, Europeans gained an overwhelming military superiority Nature of modern corporate capitalism sustained a long term presence in the colonies

8 The Partition of Africa
Pursuit of African colonies got under way by King Leopold II of Belguim Private bankers financed his venture His rule proved to be the harshest in Africa

9 Bismarck called in 1884-1885 the Berlin Conference among the great powers
European nations could claim huge pieces of Africa’s interior by drawing lines on a map They exploited Africans lack of experience with European legal and economic concepts By 1900, all except Liberia and Ethiopia had fallen under direct European control

10 African imperialism demonstrated the potential for conflict involving the great powers
The secure control of Egypt, Britain extended its power into the Sudan This intrusion brought resistance by Muslim troops When the battle ensued, the British lose 48 men to he 10,000 Sudanese

11 After their victory, British troops fell into conflict with the French
War was avoided with the French Such was not the case with the Boers During the Boer War, the British used concentration camps and scorched earth policies which led to its international condemnation

12 Imperialism in Asia India
European control in Asia proved more indirect than in Africa Imperialists preferred to plug in to the existing power structure to establish control In India, Britain had established indirect control through the British East India Company

13 In 1857, soldiers in the Indian army revolted against Britain’s insensitivity toward the Hindus and Muslims Britain subdued the Sepoy mutiny with great brutality, dissolved the East Indian Company, and established direct rule

14 Britain turned India into a raw material producer
Attempted to modernize India’s culture by building railroads, instructing the population in English, and educating elites at British universities

15 The Carving of China China generally dismissed Europeans
The weakness of the Qing dynasty allowed Westerners to exploit China’s growing disintegration

16 The only commodity Europeans seemed to sell the Chinese was opium
When the Chinese government attempted to stop the import, the British responded with overwhelming military force Britain and France then imposed trading and other concessions on China

17 Soon Russia and Germany had joined in
Europeans were only subject to the laws of their home nation, not to those of China Newly imperial United States secured an Open Door Policy Anger over foreign control resulted in the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 The imperial nations crushed the revolt

18 Japan’s modernization
Virtually isolated for 300 years Saw the most rapid modernization in history During the Meiji Restoration, Japan borrowed from the West By 1890, Japan established itself as an industrial, military, and imperial power

19 In 1902, Britain allied with the new Asian power
Conflict with Russia soon led to the Russo-Japanese War in Defeated the Russians on both land and sea

20 Consequences of the Russo-Japanese War
Russia turned back toward expansion in the Balkans Russia’s weak showing led to the Revolution of 1905 Japan had demonstrated to the rest of the world that Europeans could be defeated

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