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Skills and Strategies:

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Presentation on theme: "Skills and Strategies:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills and Strategies:
We Are Americans By Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler Genre: Non-Fiction Skills and Strategies: Fact and Opinion, Primary and Secondary Sources

2 Word Part of Speech Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Word Analysis descendant Root- descend emigrate Prefix em- out uprooted Root- root assemble transform Root- trans, form ambition Suffix- ion peasant territory

3 Luis is a descendant of people who came from Mexico.
descendant- (noun) a person who is related to someone or lives after that person. Luis is a descendant of people who came from Mexico.

4 emigrate- (verb) to leave your own country in order to live in another one.
Next year I will emigrate from China and begin a new life in the United States.

5 uprooted- (adjective) torn away from the life that you knew.

6 assemble- (verb) to put or gather together.
The music teacher plans to assemble a jazz band.

7 transform- (verb) to make a great change in something.
Sometimes a new coach can transform a player into a champion.

8 ambition (noun) a strong desire to succeed.
Elena’s ambition will help her achieve her goal of becoming a fashion designer.

9 peasant (noun) someone who works on a farm, especially in Europe.
The peasant had to work very hard to provide food for his family.

10 territory- (noun) the land under the control of a state, nation, or ruler.
The US Virgin Islands is a territory of the United States of America.

11 Fact and Opinion Fact and Opinion brainpop

12 Review You should have learned in your Social Studies class:
What is a primary source? What is a secondary source? Which is a primary source? A reference book about immigrants or an immigrant’s diary What makes it a primary source?

13 Text Preview Take ten minutes to preview the text.

14 Begin reading page 238 First ,we will read the whole article together.
Second, you will be given a section to do the questions on.

15 Reread each section you have been assigned then do the questions for that section
Colonial Immigration (page 239) Immigrant Slaves: 1700s-1808 (page 240) American Fever: (page 241) Ellis Island: (p. 242) Better Opportunities: 1880s-1920s (p. 243) A Safe Haven: s (p. 244) Latin Americans: 1980s-today (p. 245) Religious Freedom: 1980s-Today (p. 246) Ever-Changing America: 1980s-Today (p. 247)

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