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Primordials, Magic, and the virgin archer

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1 Primordials, Magic, and the virgin archer
The stories of Uranus, Gaea, Hecate, Nyx, Tartarus, the hydra, and atalantia.

2 Uranus, Gaea, Nyx, Tartarus.
Often called “Primordials” Came before anything else in the greek mythos Born from the primordial chaos

3 Uranus Known as “father sky”
Fathered the titans, the cyclopes, and Aphrodite Known as Caelus by the romans Was and controlled the sky and heavens.

4 Gaea Known as “Mother earth”
Mother of the titans, the giants, and the Cyclops “Terra” in Roman Was and controlled the earth

5 Nyx The darkness/night Gives birth to darkness, night, and day.
The mother of the fates, Thanatos(death) and Nemesis. In the Illiad, Zeus wouldn’t confront her. Nox in Roman

6 Tartarus The personification of hell and punishment
Fathered the giants Supposedly took nine days to fall there from earth

7 Hecate goddess of magic, witchcraft, death, crossroads, and protection. Symbol- two torches, a key, and occasionally daggers. Daughter of Persis and Asteria Not an evil deity Assisted Demeter in the search of Persephone

8 The Lernaean Hydra A monster killed by Hercules
Nine-headed serpent (not a lizard, a snake) Was extraordinarily venomous, even its breath could kill Was looted for its blood after its death Rapidly grew two heads for every one lost, had one immortal head.

9 Atalanta Raised by hunters in the wild Favored by Artemis
Swore her virginity after being told her marriage would end in disaster by an oracle Drew first blood against the Calydonian Boar Would race men who wanted to wed her, always won. Tricked and beaten by Melanion, who threw golden apples to distract her. Turned into a lion after Melanion angered Aphrodite.

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