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Phylum Annelida.

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1 Phylum Annelida

2 Phylum Annelida Characteristics Protostomia, eucoelomates
_________________ (= unspecialized segmentation) In the Classes: Parapodia Clitellium

3 Systems _____________- epidermis is one cell layer with mucous gland that secrete a moist cuticle. _______________ -hydrostatic (using coelom) Muscle- ____________ and _____________ muscles Each segments muscles are independent of the other segments. Digestive- complete, complex, with __________ for absorption and ___________________acting as digestive gland and excretory cells.

4 Systems (continue) Excretory- a pair of _____________ per segment.
Respiratory -through skin, some through parapodia; tubeworms have gills. Circulatory- __________ system, use _____________ as oxygen carrier. Nervous- dorsal brain; ventral, double, solid nerve cord, with _____________ in each segment. Endocrine- hormones secreted by nervous system. Reproductive- ______________ in Polychaeta; no special organs, posterior end becomes gonads. __________________ in Oligochaeta and Hirudinea; Clitellium.

5 Annelida Taxonomy Phylum Annelida (an-nel-i-da) Earthworm dissection
Click on any term that is underlined to go to that slide Phylum Annelida (an-nel-i-da) Class Polychaeta (poly-key-ta) Nereis, Aphrodita, Chaetopterus, Arenicola, Amphitrite Class Oligochaeta (ol-e-go-key-ta) Lumbricus, Tubifex Class Hirudinea (hi-ru-din-e-a) Hirudo, leech Earthworm dissection

6 Return to taxonomy Nereis (clam worm) Nereis Nereis

7 Return to taxonomy Aphrodite (sea mouse) dorsal ventral

8 Other Polychaetes Return to taxonomy Amphitrite (plum worm)
Chaetopterus Arenicola (Lug worm)

9 Hirudo (leech) Return to taxonomy

10 Lumbricus Return to taxonomy dorsal ventral __________ Lumbricus

11 Earthworm Dissection Return to taxonomy Cross section

12 Earthworm cross section
Return to taxonomy Earthworm cross section


14 Interesting Facts On each segment, except the first and last, are four pairs of tiny bristles called ______ that help the worm move through the earth. A worm's body wall has two kinds of muscles that it uses to crawl. Circular muscles surround the worm's body and can make the body shrink or spread out. ____________ muscles run the length of the body and can shorten or lengthen the worm. Setae (bristles) prevent the worm from slipping.

15 Interesting Facts Continued
The earthworm has no lungs or gills. It breathes through its thin skin, which is in contact with the air between the particles of soil. When it rains, these air spaces fill with water, and earthworms then must either come to the surface or _________.

16 Interesting Facts Continued
Scientific Classification. Earthworms are in the family ________________ of the segmented worm phylum, ___________. The scientific name for one common species is ________________________.

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