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Presentation on theme: "WHY JESUS CLEANSED THE TEMPLE"— Presentation transcript:

Cards 57-60 WHY JESUS CLEANSED THE TEMPLE Soon it was time for the Passover. Jesus went with His disciples to Jerusalem, to worship at the great Temple. There in the courtyard, people bought doves, sheep and cattle to offer as sacrifices, and money-changers traded local coins with people from other places. When Jesus saw all this buying and selling in His Father’s house, He grew angry. The Temple was supposed to be a house of prayer, not a marketplace! People had made God’s house a house of merchandise. Jesus made a whip from some ropes, chased them all out, and drove out the sheep and oxen, scattering the moneychangers’ coins over the floor and turning over their tables! “Get these things out of here!” He shouted. “Don’t turn my Father’s house into a house of merchandise!”

A. It was dirty from the dust B. It was dirty from the animal dropping C. People had made God’s house a house of merchandise Why had Jesus gone to Jerusalem—it was time for the P________________? When getting to Jerusalem Jesus went with His disciples to the great T___________? What did Jesus see in the courtyard when he got there? Did this make Jesus happy? He told the people the temple was supposed to be a house of P____________? He told them also the temple was not to be a M_____________? What did Jesus make? What did He make it out of? What did He do with it? Jesus told the people to get their things out of here? True or False Jesus told the people to not turn my Father’s house into a house of M________________?

About that same time, Jesus was walking through the fields of grain on a Sabbath day. His followers were with Him, and they were hungry. So they began to pick the grain and eat it. The Pharisees saw this. They said to Jesus, “Look! Your followers are doing something that is against the law to do on the Sabbath day.” Jesus said to them, “You have read what David did when he and those with him were hungry. David went into God’s house. He and those with him ate the bread that was offered to God. It was against the law for David or those with him to eat that bread. Only the priests were allowed to eat it. And you have read in the law of Moses that on every Sabbath day the priests at the Temple break the law about the Sabbath day. But they are not wrong for doing that. I tell you that there is something here that is greater than the Temple. The Scriptures say, I don’t want animal sacrifices; I want you to show kindness to people. You don’t really know what that means. If you understood it, you would not judge those who have done nothing wrong. The Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath day.”

A. Out walking and not resting B. Plucking Grain C. Making bread Where was Jesus walking on the Sabbath? Were his disciples with Him? The disciples were hungry? True or False What did they begin to do? Who was watching them? Did they see this as a chance to condemn them of doing something wrong on the Sabbath? When David went into the temple did he and those with him eat bread offered to God? Did Jesus say they were wrong in doing this? Jesus told them that there is something here that is greater than the Temple? True or False Jesus told them: “I don’t want animal sacrifices; I want you to show K__________to people? Jesus also told them, “The Son of Man is Lord over the S_____________day.”

EARLY IN THE MORNING ALL NIGHT MARK 1:35 The next morning He was up long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray Luke 6:12 One day soon afterwards He went out into the mountains to pray, and prayed all night

A. Once a week B. When He was sad C. Early in the morning and all night Who was Jesus paying to? How often should we pray? Is it good to pray when we are alone?

Mary and Martha lived with their brother Lazarus in the village of Bethany near Jerusalem. Their home was a favorite stopping spot for Jesus because He loved this family. One day Martha was hard at work preparing special dishes for Jesus when she realized her sister was not helping. Instead Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, listening to His words. Martha became angry. “Lord, tell Mary to help me! There is much work to do!” Jesus gently reminded Martha not to worry so much about unimportant things. Mary had chosen to listen and learn, Jesus said, and that should not be taken away from her. Six days before the Passover ceremonies in Jerusalem began, Jesus arrived in Bethany where Lazarus was—the man he had brought back to life. A banquet was prepared in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, and Lazarus sat at the table with him. Then Mary took a jar of costly perfume made from essence of spikenard, and anointed Jesus’ feet with it and wiped them with her hair. And the house was filled with fragrance. But Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples—the one who would betray him—said, “That perfume was worth a fortune. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor.” Not that he cared for the poor, but he was in charge of the disciples’ funds and often dipped into them for his own use! Jesus replied, “Let her alone. She did it in preparation for my burial. You can always help the poor, but I won’t be with you very long.” Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, was one of Jesus’ good friends. Lazarus became ill, and his sisters sent word to Jesus that He come and heal him. When Jesus heard their message, He told the disciples, “Lazarus’ illness will not end in death. It will show the glory of God.” By the time Jesus reached the home of Mary and Martha, Lazarus had already died and been placed in the tomb. During Bible times, people used caves for tombs because it was quicker and easier than digging a hole in the stony soil. Due to the warm climate, a dead body was buried as soon as possible. It was rubbed with spices and wrapped in cloth, then placed in the cave. A large boulder would close off the opening to prevent anyone from disturbing the body. Jesus ordered that the stone be removed. Martha said, “But Lord, it had been four days Lazarus’ body will smell bad.” Jesus answered, “If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” Jesus then commanded Lazarus to come out. Still wearing the burial cloths, Lazarus stepped out of the cave, alive! Jesus told them, “Unwrap him and let him go!”

A. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus B. Peter, James and John C. Zacchaeus, Judas, and Mary Magdalene What did Mary do while Martha was preparing special dishes for Jesus? What did Jesus think about what Mary did? Who was Mary and Martha’s brother? What happened to him? When Jesus reached the home of Mary and Martha what did He go and do? When Martha doubted that Lazarus should be raised Jesus told her, “If you b____________, you will see the g__________of G_________.” Six days before the Passover Jesus was in Bethany again, this time a banquet had been prepared in Jesus’ honor---what did Mary do at this banquet? 8. What was Judas Iscariot’s reaction to what Mary did? 9. What did Jesus then tell Judas?


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