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Bedside Engagement Educating Patients & Families Snapshot March 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Bedside Engagement Educating Patients & Families Snapshot March 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bedside Engagement Educating Patients & Families Snapshot March 2016
CMOP Phase 1 Bedside Engagement Educating Patients & Families Snapshot March 2016

2 Our CMOP Team Team Members Counties Served Deliveries per Year
<Insert Hospital Logo> Our CMOP Team Team Members <list names and roles of team members> Counties Served <list counties served> Deliveries per Year <insert #> deliveries per year Staff Size <list # physicians> <list # nurses> Etc. The content of this slide is designed to provide a high level overview of your CMOP improvement team. Please share the names of your team members and their roles (e.g., Marty McCaffrey, Physician Champion), list the counties you serve, number of deliveries per year and your staff size. When you submit your storyboard, please provide the following: A picture of your logo (with your hospital name) as an attachment when submitting your template so that we may include it in the upper left hand corner of each slide (you may also embed the logo in that location of the slides themselves, if that is preferred). Please also move the star image on the slide over the location on the North Carolina map where your facility is located. Finally, include a picture of your team. <Insert Team Photo>

3 Educating Patients and Families
<Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Patients and families receive preeclampsia education from: [Describe Who and How - providers and staff who provide education; e.g., bedside nurse and how they accomplish it] List the providers who are charged with providing formal education to preeclampsia patients and their families, being as specific as possible.

4 Educating Patients and Families
<Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Patients and families receive preeclampsia education at these points in their stay: [Describe When - points during the hospital stay that patients/families receive education regarding preeclampsia; e.g., at discharge] describe the points in the hospital stay/venues during which it is expected that patients/families will receive formal education and briefly describe the information being provided.

5 Educating Patients and Families
<Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Providers and staff can determine if education has been completed by: [Describe ways you know education has been completed and where it is documented – be as specific as possible; e.g., looking at the ‘education’ portion of the e-chart] Describe how you know education has been completed with patients/families. Where is it documented – there may be multiple places so please be as specific as possible.

6 Educating Patients and Families
<Insert Hospital Logo> Educating Patients and Families Providers and staff can determine if education has been successful by: [Describe ways you know education has been successful; e.g., ensuring it has been completed for every patient through chart review] Describe how you know education has been successful/effective. This should include knowing it has been completed, as well as ways you know patients/families understand the information being provided.

7 Due no later than March 4th, 2016 - on completion email to:
Describe how you know education has been successful/effective. This should include knowing it has been completed, as well as ways you know patients/families understand the information being provided.

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