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Vocabulary Lists 25/26 Ms. Mendoza.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Lists 25/26 Ms. Mendoza."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Lists 25/26 Ms. Mendoza

2 Pel PEL: meaning to push
Example: appellation An appellation is a name or title given to a person, place, or thing.

3 Penta Penta: five Example: pentagram (five-pointed star usually used for mystical purposes)

4 PEP Pep: to digest Example: dyspepsey ( a type of indigestion)

5 Peri Peri: meaning a boundary or outer edge of a place Example: peripheral vision (your side vision)

6 Pet Pet: to go for; attack; to go for
Example: PETULANT (a person who acts in a childish way when he or she doesn’t get their way)

7 Phem Meaning: to say Example: euphemism (to say something that is sugar- coated because the original term is too uncomfortable)

8 Phas Phas: Show Example: emphasize

9 Example: perplex (lacking clarity of meaning)
Plex: weave Example: perplex (lacking clarity of meaning)

10 Polis Polis: city Necropolis: Literally meaning “city of the dead”… a term used by the Greeks to describe cemeteries.

11 Phan Phan: meaning to appear Example: Phantasm (a ghostly appearing figure)

12 Phon Phon: meaning SOUND Example: cacophony (a series of unpleasant sounds)

13 phras Phras: meaning to explain Example: paraphrase (to explain using a more concise manner)

14 publ Publ: meaning people Example: republic (meaning a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them)

15 qu qu: meaning who, what, which
Example: Quorum (the smallest amount of people needed to make legal decisions)

16 rig Rig: meaning stiffness Example: rigor mortis (third stage of death ...)

17 strat Strat: meaning covering or spread
Example: The Stratosphere Hotel.

18 sym Sym: meaning together Example: Symmetry (having equal halves)

19 sup Sup: meaning UNDER Example: suppress (stopped in some way from occurring or kept in check in some way)

20 tac Tac: meaning silent Example: Tacit ( an agreement made between two people without saying anything)

21 tax Tax: meaning placed in order

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