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Validus Swine Auditor Training Section

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Presentation on theme: "Validus Swine Auditor Training Section"— Presentation transcript:

1 Validus Swine Auditor Training Section
January , 2015

2 Itinerary Role Call/Introductions
Review of Refresher Course Objectives 2014 Review – Case Studies 2015 AWR-Swine Refresher Course

3 Objectives AWR-Swine Program Details and Updates
Enhancing Audit Process - Packers Protocol review Review Current Programs Program Improvement/Suggestions

4 AWR-Swine AWR-Swine Program - Details and Updates

5 Program Standards Based on National Pork Board’s PQA Plus®, TQA®, AMI
Common Swine Industry Audit Industry key areas are focused on for verification purposes Emphasis of program is betterment of industry and producers Scientific committee reviews annually

6 Validus Owned Swine Audit Tools - Overview
Standards provided to client, NOT audit tool Audit tool is Validus’ intellectual property Designed to follow the flow of the site for biosecurity purposes Entrance interview SOPs and Records Employee observations/interviews Facility observations Animal observations/handling Mortality storage Exit interview Designed to follow the flow of the site and always keeping biosecurity at the forefront of our minds.

7 Validus Audit Tools - Overview
Guidance section for clarification Scored system based on audit questions Records have lower point total More emphasis on observations Audit sections Management - Documents and Records Treatment Records Animal Abuse Policy Caretaker Training Transport Records

8 Validus Audit Tools - Observations
Program Observations Emergency Action Systems Euthanasia Treatment management Hospital management area Feed and water Facility maintenance Animal observations Non-ambulatory animals Mortality removal Animal movement Animal abuse Observation calculations use the PQA Plus Site Assessment format or Common Swine Industry Audit Notify client of pen/animal selection - Statistical Sample

9 Validus Process Selection Process Information sent to Validus
Validus will randomly sample sites for selection Producers randomly selected will be notified Validus will contact individual site selected for audit for: biosecurity # of buildings # of animals Stages

10 Process Producers will be contacted
Auditor will schedule time ensuring to meet biosecurity Auditor will arrive at the scheduled time Entrance meeting Introductions Records Animal Observations Exit meeting Individuals at entrance meetings are encouraged to join Other individuals are encouraged to attend the exit meeting- As an auditor you don’t want too many people to walk around with you during the audit as to not scare the animals or alter normal animal behavior

11 Audit Length Process time will depend on: Sow Sites
Number of animals on-site Number of buildings on-site Number of people involved with the process Overall organization of producer/auditor Sow Sites Typically takes all day due to number of observations and people to visit with Nursery and Finishers Take approximately 2 -3 hours

12 Findings Results are sent to client only by Validus
Contractual agreement Findings MUST remain confidential Information is kept confidential Can be sent to others if requested by client Office staff in charge of this, not auditors or farm staff Findings can be requested from Packer Will be true if packer is paying for audit Can be sent to others if requested by client- office staff in charge of this, not auditors or farm staff

13 AWR-Swine 2. Enhancing Audit Process - Packers

14 AWR-Swine 3. Protocol Review

15 Final Documentation Send audit documents to Validus
Per contract, do not keep anything on-file Destroy all records once work is completed Confidentiality of the program All Validus programs follow same format Follow report template

16 Oversight Continual (Annual) Process Timeliness of scheduling
Completeness and timeliness of forms submitted Acceptability of Producer Reports Client feedback through Producer Evaluations Currently being conducted by staff

17 Conducting the Audit Review Client Request Form
Prep by preparing observations Confirm audit within 24 hours Equipment Needed to Conduct Client Request Form & Addendum Observation Score Sheets Clip Board, Clicker, Paint Stick (if not provided) Extra Pen Biosecurity Clothing (if not provided) Ammonia tubes - If notice issue Witnessing a Willful Act of Abuse If a willful act of abuse is witnessed by the auditor, the auditor should immediately intervene to stop the situation if reasonably and safely possible. The incident is reported to the site representative, farm owner and the manager. Although this will result in automatic failure, the audit should be completed during this visit to gather the rest of the data for the site.

18 Areas for Improvement Be descriptive with audit non-conformance
What is the issue and why are they out of conformance? No letters to client after work - Need to maintain 3rd party distance Maintain “No conflict-of-interest” No contact with past clients to seek work Stress training and annual refreshers if asked about training Walk every building/every room Completely fill out audit tool Auditor Ethics Producer asking to change audit results if something changed over period of time conducting audits Direct calls from producer to auditor seeking more work needs to be directed to Validus office ONLY 14 day notification!

19 Investigative Audits Undercover video MUST view video
24-48 to get onto the site Conduct the Validus audit Interview all employees Findings back to the client within 24 hours

20 Can you find another animal?
It is upside down in the pig snout.

21 AWR-Swine 4. Review Current Programs

22 Certified Care Commitment (CCC) Program
Sow Processors Group came together to develop standards Audit tool was designed to audit to the standards Used for buying stations that deliver product to the plants Approximately 25 audits per year at buying stations The standards were developed. Following the standards a checklist of questions was developed to assist with the audit. The audit includes document review, employee interview as well as animal and facility observations The audit has been tweeked along the way, but the majority of the information has stayed the same. Johnsonville has dedicated a lot of resources to this program and was willing to share this program for the betterment of the industry. You have had the opportunity to view the pilot and review the program. We are here today to decide how best to move it forward.

23 CCC Program Program Standards PQA Plus TQA AMI Handling Guidelines
Packers & Stockyards Country of Origin Labeling Legal Issues Audit tool set-up like AWR-Swine audit tool

24 CCC Program 2013 Overview Auditors trained in July of 2013
27 audits completed by end of the year Results have been analyzed and packers have met to update the program 2014 Audits 25 audits conducted 2015 Audits Changes in program and process will be implemented Meeting January 27, 2015 25 audits to be completed

25 Individual Company Audits
Companies moving towards the Common Swine Industry Audit or Validus Swine tool JBS (CSIA) Country View/Hatfield (CSIA) Tyson (CSIA/FarmCheck) Hormel (Validus/FACTS)

26 Client Addendums Some clients raising the bar and requesting additional standards be audited against during an audit

27 Common Swine Industry Audit
Overview Producers, veterinarians, animal scientists, packers, processors & retail and foodservice reps made the standards Based off NPB PQA Plus®, NPB TQA® & AMI audit guidelines Final approval by PAACO October 2014 Includes: Animal Observations Caretaker Observations/Interviews Facility Observations Records

28 Common Swine Industry Audit
Areas to Note: Biosecurity very important Demonstration and Articulation by Caretakers Critical Areas Willful Acts of Abuse Humane Euthanasia Animal Selection Observation calculations use the PQA Plus® Site Assessment format Only healthy pigs; treatment pens/stalls included in evaluating humane euthanasia & treatment management Audit Scoring Each area scored, but overall passing score is determined by individual Packer/Customer NA used selectively Animal observation percentages

29 Common Swine Industry Audit
Areas to Note: Transport/Load-out Only performed if actively loading animals Updated TQA Bedding and Boarding Requirements Prod Usage PQA Plus® Training Caretakers PQA Plus® Certified within 6 mo. of employment PQA Plus® Site Assessment New sites gain status within 6 mo. of operation or before animals are marketed from site Testing frequency for Emergency Backup Ventilation System Facility Cleanliness

30 Common Swine Industry Audit
Areas to Note: Corrective Actions Critical area: 10 days/Other: 30 days to packer The standards are new, please let Matt Jones know if there are any areas of concern with the standards or tool.

31 Case Study When conducting an audit you notice that the animals do not currently have access to food and appear that they have not been fed that day? Water is available. How do you proceed? What questions could you ask?

32 AWR-Swine 5. Program Improvement/Suggestions

33 Summary Use the audit tool to verify conformance
Biosecurity is essential to maintain Think safety while on-site Confidentiality is a must with the client base we work with Complete all forms thoroughly by collecting appropriate evidence Multiple audits condensed into one audit tool through the use of technology Common Swine Industry Audit

34 Where is the 3rd Zebra?

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