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Skin Cancer 4/11/18 Page 93- RS.

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1 Skin Cancer 4/11/18 Page 93- RS

2 4/11/2018 Study Skin Anatomy Skin Quiz RS-93- Skin Cancer
LS- 92- Case of the Aging Surfer Don’t forget to go to MEDIA CENTER tomorrow for Project research

3 Cancer Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.

4 Important Cancer Terms
Benign- tumors that do not spread, Metastisize- spreading of tumor Malignant- cancerous tumors that can invade other body areas

5 Risks Factors for Skin Cancer
Overexposure to UV radiation damages DNA bases disables tumor suppressor gene Frequent irritation of skin by infection, chemicals, or physical trauma Oncogenes- genes that cause cancer 1/5 Americans develop skin cancer- most benign, some cancerous Sunburned skin increases Fas protein that causes genetically damaged cells to commit suicide (peeling) Skin lotion can fix DNA before involved cells can develop skin cancer

6 What are the 3 Types of Skin Cancer?
Basal Cell Carcinoma- least dangerous, most common -30% of white people, basal cells move into dermis and hypodermis Squamous Cell Carcinoma- keratinocytes of stratum spinosum- head , scalp, ears, lower lip, hands- grows fast and metastasizes Malignant Melanoma-most dangerous-can be deadly, 5% of cancer Basal cell – 99% stopped by removal, basal cells enter dermis and hypodermis Melanoma- resistant to chemo, incidence increasing (3-8%/yr.) brown or black patch, survival poor if lesion is >4mm thick(pencil eraser)

7 What are the ABCs of Skin Cancer?
A-ssymetry B-order irregularity C-olor D-iameter E-levation/ Evolution (change)


9 How Can you Protect Yourself?
Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide Use sunscreen SPF-sun protection factor- Shaded regions Limit sun exposure Wear protective clothing- Avoid peak hours of sun- SPF-allows a person to lengthen the amount of time the skin is exposed to sun; not necessary that many times longer (depends on skin type, intensity of sun, etc. Slip on a shirt Slop on sunscreen Slap on a hat Wrap your eyes with sunglasses

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