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802.11af Liaison Report Date: Authors: March 2012

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Presentation on theme: "802.11af Liaison Report Date: Authors: March 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 802.11af Liaison Report Date: 2012-03-15 Authors: March 2012
Month Year doc.: IEEE March 2012 802.11af Liaison Report Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Prabodh Varshney, Nokia John Doe, Some Company

2 Abstract Liaison report from 802.11af as presented to 802.19.
Month Year doc.: IEEE March 2012 Abstract Liaison report from af as presented to Prabodh Varshney, Nokia John Doe, Some Company

3 802.11af Status before March Meeting
Comment resolution going on… Group had telcos on Jan 31, Feb 7, 14 and 21, March 6th. Reviewed Ofcom requirements and discussed possible implications to 11af spec. Representation of device identification and type, antenna map and WSM are main issues. The requirements can have impact on TGaf schedule. TGaf needs to decide if we shall wait to address Ofcom requirements before the LB. Plan for March meeting: Approve meeting and teleconference minutes Review the results of LB171 Approve the LB171 comment spreadsheet in 11-11/277r27 Approve speculative draft D1.06 as the working draft Review the progress since January Regulatory update PHY planning PHY comment resolution Plan for May meeting and teleconferences . Prabodh Varshney, Nokia

4 March 2012 Current af Status Approved comment spreadsheet (277r27) and speculative draft 1.06 as working draft. Did not complete LB171 comment resolution this week, instead laying the ground work for a Clause 23, TGaf PHY submission in May. All PHY comments (197) still need to be resolved. Document 424 (Broadcom and Qualcomm) : Presentation providing status of down-clocking options for 6MHz and 8MHz channels. For 6 MHz TV channels: Propose to consider 5 MHz (down-clocking of 4 or 8) or 6 MHz channelization (down-clocking of 3.3 or 6.6). Good support in SP. For 8 MHz TV channels: Propose to down-clocking of 5 to have 8MHz or 6 to have slightly less than 8MHz channel BW. Good support in SP. Strong support for defining non-contiguous operation of the minimum channel width per regulatory domain Prabodh Varshney, Nokia

5 Current 802.11af Status Regulatory update:
March 2012 Current af Status Regulatory update: FCC may increase the height of antenna to be more then 30m to 250m based on the WISPA request. OfCom ACLR numbers may be available as soon as this week. Document 416r1 & 421(NICT) and 330 (LG) presentations for TVWS channel measurements and models. Document 383r1 (LG) presentation regarding adding channel number and maximum power level for UK and time validity for the parameters to a master WSD and a slave WSD. Document 1292r3 (NICT) and 1349r2 (Cisco) presentations regarding spectrum mask descriptor in TLV format taking into account Ofcom draft requirement. Group needs to decide which format to use or use both or none at all. Document 210r2 (NICT) and 283 (Nokia) presentations for aligning text related to NCC (Network Channel Control) MLME and NNI (Neighbour Network Information) MLME. Prabodh Varshney, Nokia

6 Hope for May Meeting (Atlanta)
March 2012 Hope for May Meeting (Atlanta) Approve minutes from Waikoloa meeting and teleconferences Review draft PHY clause (23) and complete LB 171 comment resolution. Create Draft 2.0 and ask the WG for approval to begin a new Letter Ballot Regulatory update However if no PHY proposal then there will be lot of free time…. Teleconferences: Weekly on Tuesdays starting March 27th. Time: 21:00 ET for up to 2 hours. Prabodh Varshney, Nokia

7 Official TGaf Timeline (Updated)
March 2012 Official TGaf Timeline (Updated) Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: January 2011 Second Working Group Letter Ballot: July 2012 Recirculation Letter Ballot: November 2012 Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: February 2013 Initial Sponsor Ballot: March 2013 Recirculate Sponsor Ballot: July 2013 Final WG/EC Approval: March 2014 RevCom/Standards Board Approval: March 2014 Prabodh Varshney, Nokia

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