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Types of Government.

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1 Types of Government

2 Absolute Monarchy One ruler in charge (King/ Queen) Royal Family
Born into power and wealth

3 Constitutional Monarchy
A Monarch (King/Queen) rules with constitutional limitations or with a Parliament. (Parliament= a group of law makers)

4 Representative Democracy
Citizens elect representatives to vote on issues/ laws.

5 Federal System Power is shared between central government and the states governed by it.

6 Totalitarian Dictatorship
One ruler Usually has military support Comes into power Abuses power (acts like a tyrant)

7 Oligarchy Ruling by a small group Power is in the hands of a few
The group consists of the elite. (Elite=upper class/usually rich/privileged)

8 Republic Power is with the upper class voters
Only upper class choose the leaders Only the upper class get to serve as leaders

9 Direct Democracy Every citizen votes on every issue

10 Confederation An loose alliance between states, countries, or tribes.
States, countries, or tribes maintain independent power. Each member makes their own laws and rules their own people.

11 Autocracy rule by one person
a government in which somebody holds unlimited power

12 Democracy a country with a government that has been elected freely and equally by its citizens

13 Predictions On your matching sheet, place an “A” for autocracy , a “D” for democracy, or an “O” for other in the predictions column. There are 2 O’s, 2 A’s, and 5 D’s. You and your partner must be able to justify your predictions.

14 Autocracies -Totalitarian Dictatorship -Absolute Monarchy Democracies -Direct Democracy -Republic -Federal System -Representative Democracy -Confederation Other -Oligarchy -Constitutional Monarchy

15 Examples: Write the country in the correct place on your chart.

16 Great Britain Has a monarch (king or queen) that is chosen because of his/her lineage. Monarch ‘s power is limited. Has a parliament and constitutional ideas

17 Ancient Roman

18 Ancient Greece

19 Saudi Arabia Has a king that is chosen because of his lineage. He rules Saudi Arabia as he chooses. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

20 Sparta The power was in the hands of the Council of Elders, which consisted of 30 men. The Council of Elders was allowed to decide on new laws, and new changes.

21 European Union The EU does not have exclusive powers over foreign affairs, defense and taxation of each individual member-nation. All the nations within the union have the power to leave the union whenever they see that it is best for their country.

22 Power shared between Washington D.C. and Lexington, Kentucky

23 The United States of America

Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea Became ruler after his father, Kim Jong Il died. His grandfather, Kim Il Sung, ruled before that. He came to power at the end of the Korean War.

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