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FREEDOM & LEADERSHIP What does it mean to live in a free society? What are you allowed to do? What are the qualities of a great leader? How should they.

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Presentation on theme: "FREEDOM & LEADERSHIP What does it mean to live in a free society? What are you allowed to do? What are the qualities of a great leader? How should they."— Presentation transcript:

1 FREEDOM & LEADERSHIP: How must our leaders act in order to maintain a free society?

2 FREEDOM & LEADERSHIP What does it mean to live in a free society? What are you allowed to do? What are the qualities of a great leader? How should they act while running a country?

3 Dictatorship VS Democracy
A form of absolute rule in which the solitary leader is not required to abide by any rules, constitutions, etc. Power is assumed through force or inheritance Democracy A form of government that contains several branches represented by multiple parties. All government officials are elected by the people

4 Dictatorships in the Past & Present
Mexico – the PRI party Chile – Agosto Pinochet North Korea – Kim Jong II China – Hu Jintao Cuba – Fidel Castro Egypt – Hosni Mubarak Germany – Adolff Hitler

5 Happening NOW – Protests in Egypt
JANUARY 25 – Protests in Egypt began demanding that President Mubarak abdicate his position as leader of the country


7 Hosni Mubarak – Egyptian President 1981 - 2011
1981 Mubarak became president of Egypt after current president was assassinated 1987 he is re-elected and unopposed for another six year term November 15, Mubarak is in his fourth term as president and is finally met with an opposition. An opposing party wins 17/454 seats in Parliament March 2005 protestors across Egypt call for Mubarak to step down September 2005 Egypt holds its first elections where Mubarak is contested by an opposing party, but is still elected overwhelmingly

8 Hosni Mubarak – Egyptian President 1981 - 2011
November 2006 Mubarak announces he will remain president for life May 2009 Obama visits and calls for “new beginnings” between Washington and the Egyptian government March ElBaradei announces he will go up against Mubarak for the presidency if the people want him to January 25, 2011 “The Day of Wrath” Protests begin in Cairo declaring Mubarak resign his presidency immediately From the New York Times:



11 A Protest Timeline Sparked by the Tunisian revolution that ousted their autocratic ruler just ten days before, Egyptians take to the street on January 25th demanding that Mubarak leave office immediately. January 28th: Mubarak announces that his government officials should resign, but does not step down himself. January 31st: The army announces it will NOT fire on peaceful protestors February 1st: President Obama backs the call for Mubarak to transition out of office February 5th: Many of the old, powerful positions of government are transferred over to new, younger politicians (information taken from the New York Times)

12 Protest Video Footage Video footage of the protests on January 25th : “The Day of Wrath” News report since the 25th:

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