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2 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Confederacy
The South: Strengths Thought they were fighting for independence. Defending their way of life Defending their homes Must prevail or they will lose “their property, country, freedom - in short,everything.”

3 2. Many southerners had skills that made them good soldiers.
a. Hunting at young age. b. Learning to ride horses c. Use guns 3. Wealthy young men often went to military school. a. Before war, many of the best officers in the United States Army were from the South. b. Robert E. Lee and Joseph E. Johnston

4 South: Weaknesses Serious economic weaknesses
Few factories to produces supplies and weapons. Few railroads to move troops and supplies. Plus, they did not always connect to other tracks. Political problems. Confederate constitution favored states rights and limited authority of central govt. Like Articles of Confederation. Difficult for the Confederate govt to get things done. For example, Georgia would only have Georgian officers lead Georgian troops.

5 d. The South had a very small population.
1)Only 9 million to the North’s million. 2) 1/3 were slaves 3) Did not have enough men to serve as soldiers and support the war effort.

6 THE NORTH: STRENGTH The North had nearly 4 times as many free citizens as South. a. Soldiers b. farmers and factory workers 2. Industry was North’s greatest resource. a. Produced 90% of nation’s goods. b. Quickly began making war supplies for Union armies

7 c. North had more than 70% of nation’s railroads
3. Benefited from large Navy and large fleet of trading ships.

8 WARTIME LEADERS Jefferson Davis
Many thought he was a strong leader for the South. -attended West Point -Fought in Mexican War -Served as Sec of War -Respected for honesty and courage.

9 Did not like to hand over to others details of military planning.
Could not understand why others did not come up with the same conclusions to topics as he did. Spent much of his time arguing with his advisors.

10 Lincoln and the North Some had doubts about Lincoln’s ability to lead the North. -Little experience in nation politics or military matters. -Lincoln over time prove to be a patient but strong leader and a fine war planner.

11 Lincoln would accept criticism with a smile!
“Did [Sec of War] Stanton say I was a fool? Then I must be one, for Stanton is generally right and he always says what he means.”

12 Military Leaders Army officers from the South had to make a choice.
-Stay and fight for the Union -Leave and fight for home and the Confederacy. Robert Edward Lee faced this dilemma when his home state of Virginia seceded.

13 Lincoln asked Lee to command the Union army, but Lee refused.
Here is Lee’s reasoning:

14 “I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children
“I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children. I should like, above all things, that our difficulties might be peaceably arranged…What ever may be the result of the contest, I forsee that the country will have to pass through a terrible ordeal.”

15 NORTH: WEAKNESSES Huge military challenge.
Had to bring South back into the Union. Northern soldiers had to conquer a huge area. They were an invading army on unfamiliar ground. Long lines of supply and communication, thus more open to attack from Confederates


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