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Wide Q2 range needed to resolve quark sub- structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Wide Q2 range needed to resolve quark sub- structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wide Q2 range needed to resolve quark sub- structure.
E : Measurement of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor at High Q2 Using the Ratio Method on Deuterium GMn: Fundamental quantity related to neutron magnetization and quark substructure (extend DOE milestone HP4). Wide Q2 range needed to resolve quark sub- structure. Constraint on GPDs: Guidal et al. in plot. Test for QCD-inspired models: Miller (light- cone), Cloet et al. (Dyson-Schwinger). Early challenge for lattice QCD (DOE milestone HP9). Extension of CLAS6 measurement (PRL 102, , 2009) (red points and bar graph). Part of 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan

2 E12-07-104: CLAS12 GMn – Experiment Summary
Measure ratio of quasielastic e-n to e-p on deuterium in CLAS12; ratio reduces systematic uncertainties. Q2= (GeV/c)2 in 30 days; A- PAC rating. Statistical uncertainty: <3% at high-Q2, much better at lower Q2. Systematic uncertainty: <3% across full Q2 range. Simultaneous, in situ neutron efficiency calibrations with dual hydrogen-deuterium target. Internal consistency check: Neutrons measured in electro- magnetic calorimeter and time-of-flight detectors in CLAS12. Large CLAS12 solid angle used to reduce inelastic background (hermiticity cut).

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