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Unit 7 Objective A ECOLOGY.

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1 Unit 7 Objective A ECOLOGY

2 Vocabulary Community Ecosystem
Group of various species that live in the same place and interact with each other Ecosystem The group of species along with the living and nonliving environment

3 Biotic Factors Bio means… Biotic factors are the relationship between living organisms in an ecosystem Humans pick flowers Coyotes eat chickens

4 Abiotic factors A means…. Bio means… Abiotic factors are physical or nonliving factors of an ecosystem Oxygen, water, sunlight, temperature, rocks, climate, buildings Tropical rainforests have lots of different plants and animals Tropical rainforests have plenty of water to drink, food to eat, places to live/hide

5 Habitat The place where an organism lives

6 Biodiversity Bio means… Diversity means…. Biodiversity is the variety of living organisms in a given area Affected by abiotic factors Extreme temperatures Limited water Limited food Affected by biotic factors Predators Human habitat destruction

7 Biodiversity High biodiversity Low biodiversity
Ecosystem that is healthy Better able to resist change (disaster) Low biodiversity Ecosystem that is Unhealthy NOT able to resist change (disaster) Ecosystem can crash

8 Succession What happens after a disaster??
Replacement of one community by another at a single place over a period of time Pioneer species First species to appear in a newly made habitat Help break down the damage so that other species may grow Pioneer species is then replaced by next generation

9 Succession Major change in ecosystem Ecosystem is destroyed
Volcano, glacier receding, etc. Ecosystem is destroyed Pioneer species take root in new ecosystem. Begins the restoration of damaged ecosystem Pioneer species is then replaced by new species That new species is then replaced and so on

10 Succession

11 Succession

12 Equilibrium A condition which results in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system After damage  work towards equilibrium

13 Climate Two key factors of climate Temperature Precipitation
Animals usually live within a certain range of temperatures Precipitation Amount of precipitation determines the amount of water available for organisms Little water means few organisms

14 Trophic Levels One of the steps in a food chain
Refers to the transfer of energy when 1 organism consumes another Sun makes grass grow Grass is food for cows Cows are food for humans

15 Trophic Levels Producers AUTOTROPHS - produce their own food Consumers
HETEROTROPHS – consume their food Decomposers Photosynthetic organism that serves as the basic food source in an ecosystem Can make their own food An organism that consumes or eats other organisms Do not produce their own food Organisms that break down the remains or waste of animals

16 Food Chains Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Tertiary Consumer
The FIRST level is PRODUCERS They take energy from the sun and convert it into carbohydrates They “produce” food The SECOND level is CONSUMERS Primary Consumer Herbivores eat the carbohydrates the producers produced The THIRD level is CONSUMERS Secondary Consumer Small Carnivores Animals that eat herbivores Animals that eat other animals The FOURTH level is CONSUMERS Tertiary Consumer Large Carnivores Animals that eat other carnivores



19 Food Web Animals eat more than 1 kind of food
We use food webs to illustrate these complicated interactions


21 10% Rule Of the 100% of food we eat… Producer – Plant
90% is given off as heat, digested, excreted, etc. 10% is kept within our bodies (growth) Producer – Plant 10% passed on Consumer – Herbivore Consumer - Carnivore

22 Ten Percent Rule Energy Pyramid

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