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Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

2 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
1,000,000 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 500,000 300,000 5th Grade Pangaea 5th Grade Seafloor Spreading 175,000 100,000 4th Grade Earth 4th Grade Seismographs 50,000 3rd Grade Earthquakes 3rd Grade Volcanoes 25,000 10,000 2nd Grade Earth’s Layers 2nd Grade Earth's Layers 5,000 2,000 1st Grade Landforms 1st Grade Plate Tectonics 1,000

3 5th Grade Pangaea Question
Explain what Pangaea is and why it was part of Alfred Wegener’s theory.

4 5th Grade Pangaea Answer
All continents were once connected in a large continent called Pangaea. Wegener suggested they broke apart and made today’s continents. Theory says all continents drifted apart and continue to do so. Return

5 5th Grade Seafloor Spreading Question
What is seafloor spreading and how does it support the theory of continental drift?

6 5th Grade Seafloor Spreading Answer
Happens at the ocean ridges; magma pushes through Earth’s crust and cools, forming new crust; then more magma pushes up and pushes the new and old crust aside Rows of magnetism on the ocean floor show that rock has been spreading on the ocean floor Return

7 4th Grade Earth Question
Where is most of Earth’s mass located?

8 4th Grade Earth Answer In the mantle. Return

9 4th Grade Seismographs Question
What do seismographs detect?

10 4th Grade Seismographs Answer
Ground movement as it occurs. Return

11 3rd Grade Earthquakes Question
Why do most earthquakes in the US occur in California and Alaska?

12 3rd Grade Earthquakes Answer
These states are located on a plate boundary. Return

13 3rd Grade Volcanoes Question
Where are most volcanoes located?

14 3rd Grade Volcanoes Answer
The ocean floor.

15 2nd Grade Earth's Layers Question
Earth’s inner core is a ________ _________ _________.

16 2nd Grade Earth's Layers Answer
Very dense solid. Return

17 2nd Grade Earth's Layers Question
Earth’s crust and the solid part of the mantle make up the ____________.

18 2nd Grade Earth's Layers Answer
Lithosphere Return

19 1st Grade Landforms Question
Which landform can be described as an area of flat land with few trees?

20 1st Grade Landforms Answer
Plateau. Return

21 1st Grade Plate Tectonics Question
Where are Earth’s tectonic plates found?

22 1st Grade Plate Tectonics Answer
On top of the lower (inner) mantle. Return

23 Million Dollar Question Grade Level Plate Tectonics

24 1,000,000 Question The theory of plate tectonics explains many of Earth’s features and how they happened. Describe how the theory of plate tectonics explains why most earthquakes occur near plate boundaries. Describe how the theory of plate tectonics explains why most volcanoes occur near plate boundaries.

25 1,000,000 Answer Plates get caught when they are sliding by each other; pressure builds until the pressure becomes too great; rocks suddenly move and cause an earthquake One plate sinks below another at a boundary, the sinking crust melts to magma; when the crust cannot withstand the pressure; magma explodes as a volcano Return

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