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Our New Pastoral Relations System Effective January 1, 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Our New Pastoral Relations System Effective January 1, 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our New Pastoral Relations System Effective January 1, 2019

2 New Pastoral Relations Policy
Definition of covenant Ministry personnel profiles and communities of faith profiles ChurchHub (the Indigenous Church is self- determining in whether or how they use the ChurchHub) Regional council liaison Governing body of the community of faith responsible for some pastoral relations decisions

3 Pastoral relations is moving online!
Each ministry personnel will have a page on You can fill out your profile and request the Office of Vocation minister post your profile as available for call, appointment, or pulpit supply. Once your profile is posted, it can be seen by communities of faith who also have a posted profile. Both ministers’ and COF profiles can be searched using filters

4 Joint Needs Assessment replaced with Profiles
Ministry Personnel Profile The purpose of a ministry personnel profile is: to articulate the ministry personnel’s witness to the gospel; to articulate the ministry personnel’s call to ministry; and to affirm the ministry personnel’s standing in the denomination. The purpose of the ministry personnel profile may be achieved by the completion and compilation of the elements of the community of faith profile: skills and gifts profile resume record of eligibility

5 Joint Needs Assessment replaced with Profiles
Community of Faith Profile The purpose of a community of faith profile is: to articulate the community’s witness to the gospel; to articulate the community’s ministry needs; and summarize the community’s resources and community context. The purpose of the community of faith profile may be achieved by the completion and compilation of the elements of the community of faith profile: Living faith story Position descriptions Demographics Manse report, if applicable Real property Learning site requirements, if applicable

6 Our New Pastoral Relations System: Implementation Timeline
November 19, 2018 – ChurchHub webinar for ministry personnel, regional council staff, GCO staff November, – start sending ChurchHub invites to ministry personnel January 1, 2019 – open; new Manual in effect (including new pastoral relations policy)

7 Need more information? Pastoral Relations website: -ministry/pastoral-relations

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