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Health Disparities Facing Sexual Minority Women

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Presentation on theme: "Health Disparities Facing Sexual Minority Women"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Disparities Facing Sexual Minority Women
Presented by: Emily Cohen, MSW

2 Emily Cohen is the Director of Women’s Services at SunServe, and co-founder of Ignite Women South Florida. She holds an MSW from Florida Atlantic University, where she focused on working with the LGBTQ+ community and substance abuse recovery. She is an avid advocate and activist for the LGBT community.

3 Learning Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to:  Describe health disparities and risk factors among lesbian and bisexual women  List ways to provide patient-centered preventive care to lesbian and bisexual women  Explain strategies to promote positive behavioral change among lesbian and bisexual women


5 Who Are We Talking About?

6 Heteronormativity & Visibility
“Please, please, don’t assume that I’m straight. If you ask me a question– like “Do you have a boyfriend?”, it makes me feel invisible and I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” “I can’t tell you how many times the only question I’ve been asked about sex is: ‘what are you using for contraception?’ I’m a lesbian, and I don’t need birth control.”

7 Minority Stress

8 Health Risks & Disparities
Sexual Behavior Exposure to STIs Cervical Cancer Lack of Preventative Screenings Tobacco Use Alcohol & Drug Use Overweight & Obesity Cardiovascular Disease Cancer Mental Health

9 Putting It Into Practice

10 Collecting SOGIE Data

11 Thank You!

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