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Immigration to the United States

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1 Immigration to the United States
Changing the Demography of the United States

2 Immigration Facts Has increased dramatically in the last 30 years
Number of immigrants in the country hit a new record of 40 million in 2010 About 13% of the population Mainly from Asia and Latin America Honduras, India, Guatemala, Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador and China Many settle in urban areas California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and Arizona

3 Definitions Legal immigration Illegal immigration
A person who goes through the legal requirements to be a legal permanent resident (LPR) Illegal immigration A person who has entered the US without government permission or stayed beyond their visa.

4 Debate over Illegal Immigrants
Pros: Work for low wages that others may not accept Work in jobs many people don’t want, like agriculture, construction, landscape maintenance, and domestic services Many have lived in the United States for decades, as law-abiding individuals, paid sales taxes, and have children born in the US Cons: Take jobs from Americans Keep wages low Don’t pay taxes, but use social services like public schools and emergency medical care

5 Immigration Maps orer?hp
0/us/ immigration- explorer.html?exampleUserLabel=nytimes&ex ampleSessionId= &_r=0

6 Table 1 Questions Find the percentage of the foreign born population for the years 2000 and 1890. Foreign-Born Population/Total Population You will use those percentages to create two pie charts Why does immigration decrease after the 1930? Why does immigration dramatically increase after the 1970?

7 Table 2 Questions You will find the percentages for each region of the world for the years 2000 and 1890. Region of the World/Total Population You will then create a pie chart for each year Looking at the table or using your pie charts, from what countries do we see the biggest growth in immigration?

8 Table 7 Questions For each year, find the largest:
Age group Gender What trend do you notice in the data you collected? Why do you think this might be?

9 Table 14 Questions You will create a bar graph for the following two areas: Texas and North East Looking at your bar graph, what trends do you notice? Why?

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