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From Mrs Kelly, Mrs Myhill and Miss Matlub

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Presentation on theme: "From Mrs Kelly, Mrs Myhill and Miss Matlub"— Presentation transcript:

1 From Mrs Kelly, Mrs Myhill and Miss Matlub
WELCOME TO YEAR 5 From Mrs Kelly, Mrs Myhill and Miss Matlub

2 Today’s Aims Share information for the year about Y5.
To answer any questions you may have.

3 Home Reading Reading Books from school – they need to be in school everyday It is essential that you hear your child read at least three times per week and comment, sign and date in the reading record. This will be monitored. If there are not three signatures or more each week we will be in contact. Books from the library (TBC) Cracking Comprehension homework will be set every two weeks. Extreme Reading - T4W Text map Tips Regular reading every day (10 minutes a day). This could be reading magazines, comics Question the children about characters and content etc.

4 Home Beat that challenges My Maths How you can help:
Sent home weekly after a ‘Beat That’ test – must learn those highlighted in green (copy them out several times, test orally etc). The children will be quizzed every Wednesday and that quiz sheet will be sent home on Thursday. My Maths Homework is set every two weeks. If you have a tablet or an ipad you can access the My Maths homework website through Puffin Accademy How you can help: Practise times tables up to x 12.


6 Assessment Children will be tested on grammar, writing, spelling, reading, maths arithmetic and maths reasoning in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term (PIRA, PUMA and GAPS)

7 Medical conditions Asthma pump/spray – in school, labelled and within date. Creams for eczema – labelled. Other conditions – please speak to our SENCO Mrs Bunning.

8 And Finally Thank you for coming.
Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have. For up to date key dates please see the school website or our school Facebook page.

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