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Scenarios for Urban Water Management:

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Presentation on theme: "Scenarios for Urban Water Management:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenarios for Urban Water Management:
Europe and Developing Countries Prof. Dragan Savic

2 Urban Population

3 Urban Water: Supply and Distribution
Groundwater Source Storage Lake or Reservoir Source Consumers Water Treatment Pumping

4 Urban Water: Wastewater Systems
Waste Water Treatment Rainfall Combined System Receiving Waters Sanitary Sewer

5 Urban Water Systems River catchment - unit of analysis (EU WFD)
a vital component to be integrated Important impacts human health, environmental protection, quality of receiving waters, water demand, affordability, equity, recreation, amenity, and stakeholder satisfaction

6 How to manage all this? Urban Water: Europe
Source: D. Macaulay. ‘Underground’. 1976 Tighter financial climate (private / public) Sustainability, but need to demonstrate “value for money” Uncertainties about current system state (e.g. where are pipes, what state they are in, deterioration, etc) Uncertainties about future (technical, environmental, economic and social) How to manage all this?

7 Urban Water: Developing World
Increased urbanisation! Over 1 billion people, or 18% of the world's population, lack access to safe drinking water Over 2.4 billion people do not have adequate sanitation The EU Water Initiative to halve the proportion of people lacking access to safe drinking water by 2015 similar target for sanitation How to manage all this?

8 Main Goal Design and manage sustainable systems so that they perform reasonably well in the face of significant uncertainty

9 Scenario Elements for UWM
Baseline Scenario - “Business as usual” Continuation of current policies and trends 6-fold increase in demand, 3-fold increase in population (historical) Climate Change Change in precipitation, temperature, etc. Technological/Economic Change Improvements in efficiency of water use Decentralised (on-site) treatment Socio-economic Change Changing values and behaviour (demand, re-use, recycling, public-private partnership) UNCERTAINTY & SCENARIO GENERATION

10 Current EU UWM Projects
CityNet a cluster of 6 ongoing EU FP5 projects dealing with urban water issues (47 R&D institutions) an EOI for an FP6 NoE on Integrated Urban Water Management (200+ R&D institutions) Aquarec Integrated concepts for reuse of upgraded wastewater (EU FP5 project), 22 partners as a fresh water substitute primarily for non-potable use

11 Current UK UWM Projects
Five UK Universities with “Platform” grants Cranfield, Exeter, Imperial, Sheffield & Bradford WaND (Water) & CoDES (Decision Support) Two of 14 consortia in the “Sustainable Urban Environment” programme Whole-life costing projects DSS for water supply and distribution networks DSS for wastewater networks Flooding Consortium Climate Change Consortium (Audacious)

12 Thank you. Questions?

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