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Introduction to Advertising

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1 Introduction to Advertising
Tuesday, January-01-19

2 Advertising Paid for by an individual or business to inform a target market about a product, service, idea, or organization It can be VERBal, visual, or a combination of theSE

3 Objectives of Advertising
To Inform TO Persuade TO remind

4 Informative Advertising
TellS you about … the product Its features & attributes How it works & how to use it effectively Typically used to promote a new item or suggest new uses for an existing product

5 Informative Advertising

6 Persuasive Advertisements
TrIES to convince you to buy a product over a competitors Typically plays to your emotions Love, pride, or fear May use celebrity endorsements

7 Persuasive Advertisements

8 Reminder Advertising Also known as Institutional Advertising
Focus is reminding you of the business/product Promote goodwill for the company

9 Reminder Advertising

10 Types of media Newspaper Magazines Radio Television Internet
Direct mail Outdoor Advertising

11 newspapers Provides a timely and flexible medium
Can focus on regional or local Can be changed quickly Cheap Ad lifespan is short

12 magazines High quality medium Allows for more details in the ad
Bright colours on glossy paper Allows for more details in the ad Can focus on a target market easily Often read by a number of people and kept much longer

13 Radio Very popular advertising medium Relatively inexpensive
Morning and evening rush hours cost more can broadcast over a vast distance Often is “background noise” with little concentration Message needs to be repeated frequently

14 television Only medium to offer sight, sound, motion & colour
People tend to remember what they see Can very easily attract the viewer’s interest High cost to produce and advertise Live events and big shows drive up demand and costs

15 internet Use of banners on the top and/or bottom of pages
Can focus on target markets easily using cookies Companies keeps track of what you look at online to be able to send you reminders or deals on them Google Advertising Social networking

16 Advertising with google
On of the top methods to advertise Coincides with youtube (WHICH GOOGLE OWNS!) Pay by customer views Easily target specific markets

17 Direct mail Pamphlets Brochures Leaflets Flyers Samples
Can be expensive and many times is viewed as “junk mail”

18 Outdoor advertising Billboards Bus-shelter/benches
Public transit or trucks Short messages seen by a large number of people Impossible to focus on a target market

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