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John Verrinder Eurostat Unit C5 “Validation of public accounts”

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1 John Verrinder Eurostat Unit C5 “Validation of public accounts”
Presentation of the role of Eurostat’s subject matter unit in the statistical cooperation John Verrinder Eurostat Unit C5 “Validation of public accounts”

2 Eurostat organisation – a reminder
Eurostat made up of horizontal units… Budget, personnel etc Co-operation units (e.g. Eurostat E4) … and “subject matter” units Directorate C: National and European Accounts Unit C5: Validation of Public Accounts Responsible for government finance statistics data transmission, financial accounts and money and financial indicators. MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

3 C5 is a “typical” subject-matter unit
12 officials and contract staff Deals with definition of data flows, data transmission, validation and publication No dedicated staff for co-operation issues.. thus usually task is delegated to one official, in addition to their other duties! MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

4 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
What is C5’s interest? Government Finance Statistics (GFS) data very important: Government deficit and debt (EDP in EU) Taxes and social contributions Types of expenditure … etc Eurostat needs data from co-operation countries for both policy (recently acceded, candidate countries) and comparison (others) purposes MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

5 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
How to start Request for the subject to be included in the financing documents Decide which countries to include Depends on past work, assessment of current status, work programme (if applicable) under statistical co-operation agreements etc Then wait… (long lead time) MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

6 Drafting the terms of reference
Terms of reference must be both precise (allowing comparable tenders) and flexible to allow for cross-country diversification Experience from past projects/progress and other countries helps Identify the core elements (in C5 case: ESA95 transmission tables for GFS) MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

7 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
Awarding the tender Eurostat award committee meets for one day to open and consider technical merits of tender bids; reaches conclusion Close eye on technical descriptions, experience of proposed project leaders/ experts, timetable. Important to demonstrate knowledge of task and countries to be covered. MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

8 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
Getting started After award of tender, “kick-off meeting” to discuss and agree mode of working. Possible bilateral contact on specific issues (e.g. C5 (and ‘sister unit’ C3) with GFS project leader. “Inception Report” completed by contractor with final timetable. Contact should have been taken with countries! MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

9 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
Ongoing work Eurostat provides technical material and advice to project leader, to minimise duplication and maximise value-added. Contactor provides regular reports and feedback to Eurostat, including mission reports. Conferences may be organised. Importance in GFS of close contact on methodological issues – consistency vital.. MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

10 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
Finalising the work Final reports of the contractor cleared with countries and then sent to Eurostat. Eurostat technical experts closely examine, makes suggestions and uses as basis for future work. Hopes to see the results in the form of good transmitted data! In C5 case we expect to see good quality reports on GFS in Autumn 2008 and some (improved) data flows… MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

11 MG on Statistical Co-operation: 26-27 March 2007
Conclusions Long timetable, extensive preparation Sometimes other work burdens intervene… Importance of close co-operation between contractor, country and Eurostat. Countries should view projects as a good opportunity to receive expert advice, particularly where Eurostat’s own resources for helping are stretched. MG on Statistical Co-operation: March 2007

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