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Thanks for giving me the

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1 Thanks for giving me the
Opportunity to teach delcastle Kids… To Respect Mah Authoritay! Or: Whose bright idea was it to let me near Impressionable kids???!!! Funded by National Science Foundation Graduate Teaching Fellows Program in K-12 Education (GK-12) DGE

2 Blah Blah Classroom Techniques [spare the rod…]
Deal with parents [spare the rod…] Juggle the administrators … [rod] Blah Blah

3 I have… a Vision… a Scheme… A dream!!
That all kids can be motivated to learn! Lifeboat theory Competition That We teachers can sneak by with less Paper work! -Kids teach themselves That we can teach to the highest common Denominator!! …fly in 4 U george

4 -“If the Sun were the size of a ping pong ball…” -Flag Pole Challenge -Big ‘Mo’ Challenge -Bus of Doom

5 Troglodyte killer -Balloon Race! -Marble Launcher -Big Bertha
-Great Adventure Troglodyte killer

6 Kevin In the end… did it work? -Motivate? -Reduce paper work?
YES!! Of course IT WORKED PERFECTLY BEST AMAZINGLYNESS!! … small fee to learn more. -Motivate? -Reduce paper work? -Did the kids teach Themselves? Conclusions: Create reality-tv style competition 2) Make challenges ridiculously hard for kids. 3) ?????? 4) profit!!

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