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Yeast Breads.

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1 Yeast Breads

2 Types of Yeast Breads Lean Dough: Dough that is low in fat and sugar.
Enriched Dough: ingredients added beyond the lean dough ingredients. Ex: oil, milk, butter, sugar, honey, molasses, egg and so forth is considered “enriched” bread as these modify the dough structure considerably. On the other hand, adding herbs, grains or seeds like sunflower or extras like raisins or olives do not specifically change the dough composition.

3 Types of yeast Dough Lean Dough: Contains small amounts of sugar and fat, if any. Breads made from lean dough tend to have a chewier texture and a larger crumb. Examples include: Hard rolls, soft pretzels, and French bread Rich/Enriched Dough: May have a fat, dairy, eggs, or sugar added. It is usually softer, and the finished product has a softer texture and smaller crumb. They may be golden in color because of the use of eggs and sugar. Examples include: Sandwich breads, sweet rolls, and soft rolls

4 Mixing Methods Straight Dough: all basic ingredients are placed in a bowl then mixed into a dough. Consists of one step. Combine all ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix. Modified Straight Dough: A mixing method similar to the straight dough method, except that the fat and sugar are mixed together first to ensure uniform distribution used for rich dough. Sponge Method: A procedure that gives the yeast a head start.

5 Ingredients in Baked Goods
Types of Flours: All-purpose, Unbleached, bread, whole wheat, etc.

6 Different types of Flour (there are many more)
All-purpose Flour: Plain flour, generic. Can be used for anything, not the best. Most accessible, most economical. Unbleached Flour: All-Purpose Flour that is bleached naturally as it ages is labeled "unbleached Bread Flour. Whole Wheat Flour: (Low Gluten) - Also called graham flour.  It is made from the whole kernel of wheat and is higher in dietary fiber and overall nutrient content than white flours. Bread Flour: white flour made from hard, high-protein wheat. (Very Dense, lots of Gluten) Cake Flour: is a fine-textured, soft-wheat flour with a high starch content. (Very Light, Little Gluten)


8 Common Ingredients in Baked Goods
Leavening Agent: Yeast works by fermentation by using sugar and producing carbon dioxide and alcohol. Yeast are living organisms In extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures they can die or slow down.

9 Principles of Yeast Breads
Fermentation When yeast breaks down into sugars, carbon dioxide and alcohol are produced, which causes the bread to rise. The process in which yeast breaks down sugars into energy. Longer and slower fermentation time = better flavor. You can change the rate of fermentation by: Temperature of dough. Amount of salt. Amount of sugar Amount of yeast.

10 Principles of Yeast Breads
Kneading When liquid and flour combine, they form gluten. As the dough is kneaded the gluten strands line up creating a structure where the carbon dioxide bubbles from the yeast are trapped, allowing the dough to rise. Enables the yeast to be distributed throughout the dough. Helps the proteins in the flour to develop gluten. Too much kneading will cause dough to lose flavor after being baked. Stretch test: Stretch dough to see if it has been kneaded long enough. It should resemble bubblegum.

11 Principles of Yeast Breads
Proofing The time period that dough rises prior to baking Usually let dough proof/raise until it doubles in size.

12 Principles of Yeast Breads
Oven spring The expansion of the carbon dioxide when put into the oven. Rapid rising in the oven due to production and expansion of trapped gases as a result of the oven heat. When the dough hits the hot oven, it can puff up to as much as 3X its size in a matter of a few minutes. This oven spring is a good indicator of the crumb of your bread: more oven spring means a light and airy interior and little oven spring indicates a dense, compact crumb.

13 Baking/Oven Spring Before After

14 Nutrients found in Bread
Simple Carbohydrates – Sugars Complex Carbohydrates – Starches Fiber

15 Nutrients found in Bread
Carbohydrates – Simple & Complex: The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy Provide 4 cal/g Good source of complex carbohydrates include: Whole grains, Cereal products, Dried beans, Rice, and Pasts Carbohydrates include: Sucrose (Table Sugar), Fructose (Fruit Sugar), Lactose (Milk Sugar), Maltose (Malt Sugar), and Glucose (Blood Sugar) The parts of the wheat kernel and the nutrients provided are: Endosperm – Starch and Protein Germ – Unsaturated fatty acids, "B" Vitamins, Vitamin E, Iron, Zinc, and other trace minerals. Bran – Fiber, Vitamins, and Minerals

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