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Raymond Jiang Block 4 Computers 8

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1 Raymond Jiang Block 4 Computers 8
Nutrition Raymond Jiang Block 4 Computers 8

2 Carbohydrates Two types breaks down into simple sugars Provides energy
Simple sugar fruit and vegetables Complex  starches processed foods breaks down into simple sugars Provides energy Help digest food Contain carbon, oxygen & hydrogen Stores of chemical energy

3 Fats Three types Insulation Forms hormones
Unsaturated fats plant food and fish Saturated fats meat & products Trans fats margarine, baked & fried food. Insulation Forms hormones Fats are vital to your health protect you from cancer

4 Proteins Two types Vegetable protein Make hemoglobin
Complete Protein essential amino acids. Fish, eggs, red meat, poultry Incomplete Protein some essential amino acids. Vegetable protein Make hemoglobin Build cardiac muscle Makes Body's Structure

5 Fibre Two types Number of complex carbohydrates Absorbs water
Water-soluble removes things in the gut Fruits, oats, barley, beans Insoluble natural laxative Grains,, nuts, seeds Number of complex carbohydrates Absorbs water Helps elimination 25-38g a day

6 Minerals Helps body grow, develop, stay healthy Macro minerals
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, Trace minerals iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc Growth and development build strong bones

7 Vitamins Two types Come out when you urinate Growth and development
Fat soluble stores in tissues Vitamins A, D, E, and K Water soluble travels through bloodstream vitamin C and B Come out when you urinate Growth and development

8 Water Helps digest food Produce hydroelectric energy
Provide the ingredients Main source of energy

9 Bibliography Carbohydrates  Fats Proteins  Fiber  Vitamins 

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