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Municipal DB Short-List Process Mn/DOT Milestone Role

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal DB Short-List Process Mn/DOT Milestone Role"— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal DB Short-List Process Mn/DOT Milestone Role
Municipality Letter of Interest for Pilot Prog Committee Municipality State-Aid Advertises Letter of Interest Municipality Prepares RFQ with State-Aid OCIC/ FHWA Review Municipality/State Aid Prepare RFQ Evaluation Manual OCIC Review Municipality Identifies DB Project Municipality Advertises RFQ Municipality drafts response to clarifications and addendums State- Aid approves addendums and clarifications (OCIC Review) State- Aid/ Municipality Receives SOQ’s Municipality/State-Aid Identifies Scoring Members (TRC) State-Aid/ Municipality contact AGC for scoring member name State-Aid Eng approves TRC Names (OCIC Review) TRC Evaluates SOQ in accordance with Manual OCIC/State-Aid/FHWA oversee process TRC Recommends short-list to State Aid/City/County

2 Municipal DB Proposal Evaluation Process
Mn/DOT Milestone Role State-Aid prepares Proposal Evaluation Manual (State-Aid/OCIC Review) Municipality Receives Technical and Cost Proposals Municipality conducts kick-off meeting with evaluation committee State Aid (FHWA when applicable) oversees entire evaluation process TRC Scores the Technical Proposals Scores Acceptable? State-Aid Engineer reviews blind scores with OCIC and PM TRC asked to reconsider scoring No Yes Letting (Scores are Publicly Announced) Price Proposals are opened in public (Best-Value = Price/Score) FHWA concurs with the Award

3 Municipal DB RFP Preparation Process Mn/DOT Milestone Role
Municipality Write: Book 2 Book 3 State-Aid Approves Book 2 and Book 3 Municipality obtains funds and drafts a Work Order to Write the RFP State-Aid Writes: Book 1 ITP State-Aid writes scoring criteria State- Aid /Municipality reviews scoring criteria FHWA Approves RFP *dependent on funding Municipality responds to Clarifications Municipality cc’s FHWA and State-Aid Municipality issues RFP Municipality Drafts Responses to ATC’s State-Aid/ Municipality Reviews all ATC Language Municipality sends ATC’s to teams Municipality Prepares Addendums and sends to State-Aid State-Aid Approves Addendums Municipality sends Addendums to teams FHWA Approves Addendums at Award

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