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What papers do I need to have out today?

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Presentation on theme: "What papers do I need to have out today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What papers do I need to have out today?
Research Frame Potential Sources Tool Taking Notes pages Your Works Cited information page (in packet that starts with “Common genres”) or the packet that says “Essay Writing: Writer’s Checklist” The “Connecting Ideas” Handout (Transitions) Go pick up the articles you need to read and begin taking notes right away! You have 25 minutes to work.

2 I can create an Outline and a Works Cited page
Research Paper I can create an Outline and a Works Cited page

3 The sections of a Research Project:
• Section 1: Defining an Area of Investigation – This section is all the work you do exploring the topic and choosing an area of investigation (research question/problem). • Section 2: Gathering and Analyzing Information – This section is all the information you gather throughout your investigation. It also stores your notes and analysis of sources. • Section 3: Organizing, Synthesizing, & Drawing Conclusions – This section is your Evidence Based Claims about inquiry questions and Inquiry Paths and the personal perspective that you come to at the end of your inquiry.


5 Creating an outline: Answer your research question
For instance, if your research question was: “How does animal intelligence compare with human intelligence?” then you would write the answer to this question based on conclusions expressed: “Animals and humans have different kinds of intelligence, and there are many instances where animals display remarkable intelligence, but they cannot always be tested in the same way as people.”

6 Creating an outline: Finding your “claims”
Look at your three sheets of notes that answered your questions. Which questions do you think you have answered the best in your research? In other words, where has your research actually led you to some ideas and conclusions? Turn each question into a claim. For example, if your question was, “How can animal intelligence be used to benefit humans?” It can be turned into a claim that “Animal intelligence can be used to benefit humans” or “Animal intelligence will not really benefit humans” depending on what support you have found.

7 Creating an outline: Your thesis
Take a look at our original over-all question: How do animals show their intelligence? How can you turn that into a thesis statement? After doing all the research, what claim can you make about animal intelligence? What are your areas (the claims made from your 3 questions) that will support your overall claim (thesis)?

8 Creating an outline: Your thesis
Make your claim (thesis) and add to it the 3 other claims that you have chosen from your questions. Example: Animals exhibit incredible intelligence through the complex decisions they make, the ways in which they can help humans, and by measuring the characteristics of intelligence that are similar to our own. Or the opposite: Animals do not exhibit the same kind of intelligence as humans do as evidenced by the way they can only make simple decisions, the limited ways they can help humans, and by their lack of abilities as measured against human intelligence.

9 Creating an outline: Your Introduction
Grabber: The first sentence in the introductory paragraph needs to grab the reader's attention. It needs to be general and introduce the topic of the thesis without referring directly to it. Information-adding sentence: The second sentence adds information about the grabber, again, still general and not yet referring to the thesis. Pivot sentence: The third sentence pivots or turns us toward the thesis. This is the first sentence that hints about our thesis. We can use a key word from our thesis here Brief overview of topic with possible reference to main sources of info. Set-up sentence: The next sentence is the set-up or lead-in sentence. It leads us directly to the thesis, connecting the topic or idea of the grabber to the point made by the thesis. Thesis: The final sentence is the thesis (Main Claim). Everything written so far should lead directly to this idea, the whole point of our paper. It should include the claims that the body paragraphs will center on.

10 Creating an outline: Organizing Logically
Turn your major Inquiry Paths (Questions) into Statements (Claims) Decide what the best logical ORDER of Inquiry Path Questions would lead to the best answer for your Overall Question. Enter your “Claims” into an outline format

11 Creating an outline: Cohesion
Organize the paragraphs to create cohesion throughout the paper. Cohesion in writing refers to how well the paragraphs and sentences flow into one another to create a whole that is clear and logical to the reader. To create cohesion, you must do two things: organize the information logically and use correct transition words between sentences and paragraphs.

12 Outline Format Sentences that you have to write out
Introduction A. Grabber B. Information C. Pivot D. Overview of topic E. Set up sentence F. Thesis: Main Claim based on answer to overall Main Question Body Section 1 A. Transition and Claim #1 (Answer to Inquiry Path #1) B. Support – see Taking Notes page 1 – Remember to use transitions! C. Concluding Sentence III. Body Section 2 – same process as II. IV. Body Section 3 – same process as II. Conclusion A. Restate Main Claim of what has been discovered by your research B. Universal Meaning: This the “So what?” What has been shown/supported/proven by the research? What does this have to do with our world? Our lives? What is the lesson this teaches us? Why should we care?


14 Where would you discuss the credibility of the source?
Before or after or within the quotation taken from the source In the introduction or conclusion In your commentaries In other words, throughout the paper you can mention the quality of the information, where it came from, the credibility or expertise of the source or author, the relevance of the material

15 Works Cited Use your handout for format Works Cited centered at top Alphabetical order by author (or if no author by “title of article in quotes”) Entire page double-spaced, and no extra space between the words “Works Cited” and the first entry. “before” and “after” in Paragraph both set to 0 There should be at least 5 sources listed and used in the “Paper” Make sure to use Hanging Indent (the second and subsequent lines of each entry are indented 5 spaces) Works Cited MLA Format Times New Roman 12 point font Order, format of Information correct Punctuation Correct within each entry You may have to look up the articles on the Internet to get more complete information on where the article is from.

16 Example of Works Cited Works Cited “Rainbow Room.” Reading Rainbow. PBS. KAET. Phoenix Television. Schmoe, Joe. “Butterflies I have known.” Butterfly Journal. 13 May Web. 30 April Smiley, Jane. My Favorite Pony. New York: Ballantine Press, Print.

17 What papers do I need to have organized for Peer Evaluation on Friday?
Exploring a Topic/ Inquiry Checklist Research Frame: Area of investigation and Inquiry Paths with Questions Assessing Sources Tool with Animals in Translation rated Potential Sources Tool page with credibility rated and key ideas listed 3 pages of Taking Notes Outline Five Paragraph Essay Typed Works Cited page

18 What papers do I need to have organized to turn in on Monday?
Exploring a Topic/ Inquiry Checklist Research Frame: Area of investigation and Inquiry Paths with Questions Assessing Sources Tool with Animals in Translation rated Potential Sources Tool page with credibility rated and key ideas listed 3 pages of Taking Notes Outline Rough Draft Peer Edited Five Paragraph Essay revised and edited and printed out Typed Works Cited page revised and edited and printed out Turn Essay only in to myaccess and

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